"Chantorné" picnic area - Torgnon
Località: Torgnon
Cost per table during the opening months (mid-June to mid-September):
€ 5.00 barbecue + € 5 table.
“Special groups” is a proposal for Summer centres wishing to spend a day outdoors in our region. Groups can take advantage of all the play areas available, as well as the picnic area equipped with tables, barbecues and toilets at a cost of € 1.50 per person. Reservation at (0039) 349 3404632 is compulsory.
In the same area there is a playground for soccer, five-a-side football, volleyball and “soccer tennis”. Nearby it is possible to take advantage of a camper service area (generally closed in July and the first week of August).
Wood composed of mature Red Spruce and Larch trees. Undergrowth composed of Fern, Elderberry, Dog Rose and Raspberries.
You can arrive by taking the public road which from the main town goes upwards to Chatelard village, up to the locality Chantorné.
Towards the East you can see Mount Tantané and Mount Zerbion, while, in the opposite direction, you can find Mount Méabé, Col Fenêtre and Becca d’Aver are located in the opposite direction.
• By taking the path climbing from Torgnon to Becca d’Aver you can reach Cima Longhède, Col Fenêtre and then Saint-Barthélemy Valley, Praz Valley or go up to Mount Méabé.
It is also possible to take an easy walk up to the Col des Bornes, which is also accessible with strollers and bicycles.
The excursion towards the Cignana dam of about 30 km round trip, on foot or comfortably by bicycle along a wide and panoramic dirt road, is also very suggestive.