Carnaval histórico de Verrès
Localidad: Verrès
Lungo le vie del centro storico e nelle piazze del paese.
If you want to come to the carnival using public transports, see the link
Saturday 1st March 2025
- 8.30 pm - Presentation of Caterina di Challant, Pierre d’Introd LXXVI and the historical parade in Emile Chanoux square. Reading of the “Proclamation” and Caterina’s dance with the population.
The parade moves off by torchlight with the participation of the Verrès Philharmonic Orchestra. - 11.00 pm - Dancing evening in the Verrès Castle with the participation of the Châtelaine. Live music (Entrance € 15,00, drinks included).
Sunday 2nd March 2025
- From 11.00 am to 5.00 pm - Medieval entertainment in the village streets
- 2.00 pm - Presentation of Caterina di Challant, Pierre d’Introd LXXVI and the historical parade in E. Chanoux square. Reading of the ”Proclamation”, Caterina’s dance and parade in the village streets.
- From 3.30 pm – Musical entertainment for children at the castle. Kids: free entrance – Adults: € 5,00, drinks not included.
- 8.00 pm - Dinner at the castle. Reservation required at +39 351.7039763 or (price for the dinner €. 35,00 adults and €.18,00 children).
- 10.30pm – Dancing evening at the castle with DJ Set (Entrance 10,00€, drinks not included).
Monday 3rd March 2025
- 3.00 pm – In Bonomi Hall. Masquerade party for children with entertainment. Free entrance.
- 11.00pm - Gala evening at the castle: ball and shows. Evening dress is mandatory - Entrance 50,00€ (welcome flute of wine and mystery mask included).
- During the evening – In the ball hall live music, performances of dancers in ballroom dances in pairs, burlesque show upstairs. Theatrical representation “Una Partita a scacchi” by G. Giacosa.
Tuesday 4th March 2025
- 11.30 am – Parade of the historical group from Europa Square to Chanoux Square.
- from 12.00 pm – Distribution to the people of “polenta, saucisses et fisous”, in Emile Chanoux square. – minimum offer 5,00€
- 2.30pm – “Gran Corso di Gala” with the Châtelaine, Pierre d’Introd and the historical parade with folkloristic and masked groups, allegorical floats and musical bands.
- 10.30 pm - Masquerade closing ball at the castle, ball evening with DJ Set. Entrance 15,00€, drink included.
- 12.00 am - Awarding of the most beautiful mask and masked group.
- How to get to the castle: a free shuttle service will connect Europa square to the castle car park; then follows a 10 minute uphill walk along a mule track. Transit and parking along the road to the castle is prohibited.
- A bar and buffet restaurant service is provided in the rooms of the castle.
- Access to the village to see the parade and animations is free; an entrance ticket is required for dancing evening at the castle.
En 1449, Catalina de Challant y su consorte Pierre de Introd llegaron a Verrès escoltados por algunos hombres armados. Almorzaron con el Reverendo Pietro de Chissé, prepósito de la colegiata de Saint-Gilles, y se dirigieron a la plaza pública frente a la iglesia. Al sonar el pífano y el tambor, todos se pusieron a bailar. Catalina dejó de lado a su consorte y empezó a bailar con la juventud del pueblo. En la cumbre del entusiasmo, resonó un grito unánime: “Vive Introd et Madame de Challant”.
El eco de este grito gozoso se oye aún hoy. Los más de 500 años transcurridos no han borrado el recuerdo de aquel día de fiesta, y así, casa año, toda Verrès espera intrépida y ansiosamente la celebración del carnaval. Todos los habitantes aspiran al papel de los nobles.
Todos los años se realizan desfiles seguidos de un atractiva fiesta en los salones del castillo que domina el pueblo. El punto culminante del carnaval es la presentación de los personajes en la plaza del pueblo.
Luego se asiste a la curiosa y simpática lectura del “manifiesto de intenciones de la ciudadanía” en idioma antiguo “macarrónico”.