Da Emy S.S. Agricola
Agricultural companies - Other products - ValsavarencheEmilia Berthod and Ambra Tomasoni are the owners of the Da Emy farm. The company was set up in 2002 as a result of Emilia’s passion for Génépy and mountain plants and her desire to promote our valley. It is located in Valsavarenche, a small village in the heart of the Gran Paradiso National Park, at an altitude of 1400 metres.
The flagship product is Génépy, sold both as a plant and as a liqueur, which has been created following the traditional recipe. Baked goods made from the farm’s herbs are also on offer.
The products
Cultivated products: Arnica, Yarrow, Imperatoria, Edelweiss, Kummel, Melissa, Epilobium and Thyme Serpyllium.
Processed products: Classic and White Génépy liqueur, Kummel liqueur, Génépy biscuits, Génépy meringues, savoury caraway biscuits.
The visit
The cultivation of officinal plants can be visited from April to November upon reservation, either by telephone or by Whatsapp at +39.347.3716812 (Berthod Emilia) by the day before the activity.
Tasting sessions are also available on request.
Number of visitors required for the visit: min 1 / max 20.
Languages spoken: Italian, French and basic English.
For the opening hours of the point of sale, please contact the company.
How to get there
From Aosta, take the road to Courmayeur until Villeneuve, then take the regional road for Valsavarenche and at km 14 turn right in the hamlet of Bois de Clin, crossing the bridge.