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Official website for tourism in the Aosta Valley


Lo Tzacard

Resorts: Pila


The Tzarcard restaurant of the Hotel La Chance offers an elegant and refined setting. Typical cuisine of the Italian and of the local tradition revisited. All dishes are prepared with attention to every detail: from raw materials, to food processing, up to the presentation of the dishes.



As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • No significant differences in level for the access to the property
  • All floors of the building are connected by an internal lift
  • Toilets for the common areas are accessible
  • The outdoor area of ​​the restaurant is accessible.

Tonno di coniglio su letto di finocchio, arance e con acquetta di pomodoro
Risotto agli asparagi, tometta giovane e riduzione al Fumin
Strozzapreti girati a mano con carciofi appena saltati e robiola al limone
Caramella di filetto di manzo con radicchio servita con il suo fondo al Saunier
Filetto di maialino al grué di cacao in salsa agrodolce