“Walking” on water that descends the streams: a new challenge

Canyoning is a part water, part mountain sport that consists of following a descent on the small mountain streams, which are often enclosed between high, rocky walls, and overcoming obstacles on your way using specific techniques: small waterfalls, “the giants' containers” dug by the water into the rock, chutes (natural slides created by erosion) and jumps.

Sporting activities practiced using a diving suit, helmet and harness and with the assistance of a professional, mountain guide who accesses the best route to follow and teaches the best techniques to proceed in absolute calm. Diving into an emerald green water well or descending a foaming waterfall are truly emotional experiences, which enable close contact with nature and the exploration of uncontaminated areas.

  • The Fer stream, in Donnas, presents a long and adventurous canyon with crystal clear water and gigantic pools.
  • In Fontainemore, the Pacoulla torrent presents a beautiful gorge with an uninterrupted succession of descents into deep basins surrounded by high rock walls. The tobogan of about 12 meters at the halfway point is spectacular and has made this short canyon famous. Also in Fontainemore, the Bouro torrent presents a continuous series of descents, tobogans and dives until the end of its canyon of approximately 1.5 km.
  • In Champdepraz, the final stretch of the Chalamy stream is ideal for canyoning due to its numerous waterfalls, smooth rock walls and clear pools.

Aosta Valley offers different itineraries for this activity and despite the fact no particular training or mountaineering skills are required, we recommend you consult the mountain professionals.

Book your guide with one of the listed associations