"Champlève"picnic area - Valtournenche
Resorts: Valtournenche
Table: 5,00 €
Barbeque: 5,00€
Wood: 5,00 €
You can pay and take the wooden box at the Bar Lo Baraquien.
Sparse and sporadic woodland composed of mature Larch with alternating Green Alder trees and fields. Undergrowth composed of Juniper and Rhododendrons.
You can arrive by taking the road that leads from Valtournenche town to the Cheneil district.
To the North West you can see Les Grandes Murailles, Château des Dames and Punta Tzan, while to the North East you can see the Cime Bianche, and Cervino to the North.
• Departing from the Cheneil district, a few kilometres further on, you can reach Chamois town by crossing the Gran Balconata route or by following the path leading to Clavalité Sanctuary.
• Again, departing from the Cheneil district you can also make excursions to Becca d’Aran, Petit and Grand Tournalin and Col di Nana by following the Alta Via No. 1 track.
• Starting from Champlève, behind the bar, an easy 1 hour hiking ring following the signpost no. 28.
• Au départ de Champlève, au bout de l’aire de pique-nique, une promenade facile d’environ 30 minutes en prenant le chemin no. 32 pour rejoindre le village de Promindo. Le retour à Champlève peut se faire le long de la route goudronnée.
Starting from Champlève, at the end of the picnic area, an easy walk of about 30 minutes taking path no. 32 to reach the village of Promindo. To return back you can also walk on the paved road to Champlève.