Heritage: Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

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Carnevale storico della Coumba Freide

Traditions  -  Allein

The Coumba Frèide is a narrow and deep valley connecting the city of Aosta to the Great Saint-Bernard pass. Together with the Valpelline, it forms the Comunità Montana Grand Combin, which includes 11 municipalities. Ten of these—Allein, Bionaz, Doues, Etroubles, Gignod, Ollomont, Roisan, Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses, Saint-Oyen, and Valpelline—organize annual carnivals featuring masks and characters that are nearly identical across the towns.

The origins of this tradition are lost in time, but the first historical mention of these masks in Aosta dates back to 1467. There are two main interpretations of the Coumba Frèide carnival’s roots. The first, pseudo-historical, ties the event to Napoleon’s passage through Great Saint-Bernard pass in May 1800, suggesting that the costumes are allegorical representations of soldiers’ uniforms. The second, more folkloric, claims the carnival began with the wedding of two elderly villagers. The guests, embarrassed to attend in their Sunday best, chose to dress in unusual garments instead. However, it is believed that the carnival is rooted in ancient springtime exorcisms meant to drive away evil spirits. This is supported by the presence of similar characters and symbols across the Alpine region, such as:

  • The bear: representing the changing seasons and forecasting an early spring if it ends hibernation early.
  • Mules' tails: symbolizing winds, used to dispel harmful air currents and invite favorable ones.
  • Mirrors on costumes: believed to ward off evil spirits.
  • The color red: signifying strength and vitality, also thought to exorcise misfortune and malevolent influences.

The carnival of the Great St. Bernard is especially noteworthy for combining two emblematic carnival figures: the arboreal man (represented by floral elements on hats) and the faun-like man (represented by the bear). All costumes are hand-stitched.

The carnival begins on the day after Epiphany and ends on Shrove Tuesday. The characters remain consistent every year, and their order in the parade is strictly maintained. The procession is led by a Flag Bearer or Guide, identified by glasses and a mustache, who directs the parade with a small trumpet. Following him is the musical group (two or three musicians playing the accordion and/or saxophone) and the Devil, wearing a short red cape and carrying a pitchfork to trip passersby.

Next come pairs of Damsels and Harlequins, followed by the Blacks (symbolizing long winter nights) and the Whites (heralding sunny spring days). Masked characters dressed in red carry tails to tickle the crowd. At the end of the parade are the “Toc” and “Tocca” (the two village simpletons). The “Toc” interacts playfully with onlookers, while the “Tocca” jealously reprimands him. They are trailed by the Bear and the Trainer. The bear, symbolizing fertility, chases women and children, tossing adults into the snow.

To learn more about the upcoming carnival program in Valpelline and the Grand-Saint-Bernard Valley municipalities, consult the local tourism database under the "Events" section.

Villages of Saint-Rhémy and Étroubles

Architecture  -  Étroubles

The medieval villages of Etroubles and Saint-Rhemy are joined together on the Roman road that from the city of Aosta climbs up the mountainside of the Pennine Alps (Alpis Poenina), towards the Valais and northern Europe.

Like a “picket” on the path, the parish church’s belltower dominates these characteristic architectural complexes, village roads built following a main circulation axis, at the convergence of 2 rivers and in correspondence to the bridges.The secondary roads or axis reached the mills and forges.
The village homes show their beautiful facades which open onto great entrances, on the main road; the main doorways lead towards internal courtyards or towards long hallways, with indoor stairways that take to all the rooms of the great stone house that once had stables and haylofts.The date of construction and initials of the great builders are engraved on the architraves or forged onto wrought-iron gates.

In the past, these groups of homes had a so-called franchise that attributed the function of “marronniers” to the inhabitants (guides for the Great St. Bernard pass, in winter and in the summer) and were used as hospices, boundary walls, guarded by night watchmen and closed during the nights.

The Via Francigena, up until the Middle Ages the only connecting road between Italy and England, passes through Saint-Rhémy and Étroubles. In fact, it is the main road of these villages and was travelled on foot, horseback or mule in order to reach Rome from Gran San Bernardo Hill.

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Chez-Vuillen fortified house

Castles and towers  -  Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

Located over Saint Léonard, in the hamlet of Chez-Vuillen, the building is characterized by a cylindric tower with a spiral staircase in carved stone inside.
Beside the house, which seems to date back to the XIV century, there is a fountain with the coat of arms of the Savin de Bosses counts.

Medieval castle of Bosses

Castles and towers  -  Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

The castle was built in 1095 by Gerardo de Bocha, local Lord who owned all the feudal justice rights, as well as the property of the mill, the market and the perception of duties.

The present three-storey building with rectangular floor probably dates back to the XV century; the inside was restored and can be visited when exhibitions and events take place in it.

Parish churche of Saint Leonard

Churches and shrines  -  Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

The parish church of Bosses, dedicated to St. Leonard, located near the castle, dates from 1861-1862 and was built, on the remains of the old chapel of St. Leonard, in the neo-Gothic style. It is one of the earliest examples of neo-Gothic architecture in the Aosta Valley.

The walls are decorated with frescoes painted in 1862 by Ivrea painter Giuseppe Stornone. Also of special value is the 18th-century carved and gilded altar placed in the right side chapel.

Parish churche of Saint-Rhémy

Churches and shrines  -  Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

The parish church of Saint-Rhémy was built in 1784 on foundations from the early Christian era and was frescoed by the Stornone brothers from Ivrea, in 1898. The canvas depicting the Madonna surrounded by angels and San Remigio, patron saint of the locality, located inside the precious high altar in carved, painted and partly gilded wood, in Baroque style, is also the work of these painters.

The liturgical furnishings are almost all older than the church itself.


Il Carnevale di Saint-Rhemy-En-Bosses

Masks  -  Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

Nel maggio del 1800, il passaggio attraverso il Colle del Gran San Bernardo di Napoleone con un’armata di circa 40.000 uomini, in condizioni climatiche proibitive, aveva suscitato negli abitanti dell’intera vallata sentimenti di stupore ed ammirazione, fino ad influenzarne in modo profondo l’immaginario collettivo.

Ancora oggi, nel comune di Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses, si ritrovano i segni e le sembianze delle divise napoleoniche nei costumi tipici del Carnevale.

La “benda”, il locale gruppo delle maschere, è composta da oltre 50 elementi, di tutte le età, abitanti o originari del paese. Il corteo è aperto da Napoleone a cavallo, figura presente esclusivamente in questo carnevale. Segue la Guida, che sbandiera con orgoglio il vessillo del Carnevale e dirige tutto il gruppo, suonando una trombetta. Il suo viso è coperto da baffi ed occhiali: chiari simboli della sua autorità.

Avanzano al seguito i Joueurs che, con le loro fisarmoniche e sassofoni, intonano tradizionali canti. Arrivano poi il Diavolo nel suo mantello rosso bordato d’oro ed arricchito da campanelli e le Demoiselles accompagnate dagli Arlequins, maschere aggraziate ed eleganti.
Gli arlecchini indossano abiti di raso, a variopinte strisce verticali, un alto cappello, da cui scendono lunghi nastri colorati; completa il tutto un lungo bastone. Le loro Dame non sono da meno, nei loro eleganti abiti di velluto, con i cappelli adornati di fiori e nastri.

Ecco finalmente arrivare le Mascre: aprono il corteo quelle che portano gli abiti neri, segno inconfondibile delle giornate buie e difficili del periodo invernale, scacciate dalle maschere bianche: solari e luminose giornate della primavera. Seguono i Rossi, i Verdi, i Marroni, i Blu, i Rosa, i Violetti, i Bordeaux…

Tutti sfilano in coppia, rincorrono le persone, le stuzzicano con la “frusta” di crine di cavallo, simboleggiante il vento che scaccia gli spiriti maligni. I loro costumi sono in velluto, ispirati alle divise napoleoniche, completati da un cappello dello stesso colore dell’abito, ricoperto da fiori e specchi, indossato con la punta rivolta in avanti.

I vestiti sono ricoperti di perline e paillettes (circa 30.000), che formano disegni floreali, rigorosamente cucite a mano da abili sarte, che si occupano anche del difficile taglio della stoffa.
Gli innumerevoli specchietti, presenti sui cappelli e sulle giacche, hanno la funzione di catturare i raggi del sole e di allontanare tutte le presenze oscure e maligne.
Una funzione analoga ricopre il “gorgoillon”, pesante sonaglio portato alla vita. Il viso è poi nascosto da maschere che anticamente erano in corteccia, mentre oggigiorno sono state sostituite da materiali plastici, anche se vi è un ritorno all’utilizzo di maschere in legno.

Non dimentichiamo, infine, il Toque e la Tocca, due anziani sposi della leggenda.
Ed ora, largo agli animali: procedendo con un’andatura dondolante ed emettendo strani versi, arrivano gli Orsi, selvagge presenze simboleggianti le forze della natura solitamente sfavorevoli all’uomo; il Domatore, però, controlla l’animale, lo segue e, talvolta, riesce a tenerlo al guinzaglio.

Il Carnevale si svolge sempre la domenica grassa, in cui il corteo visita le famiglie delle frazioni basse e in cui si svolge il pranzo nella palestra della scuola primaria, aperto a tutti, e il martedì grasso, in cui il corteo si sposta nelle frazioni alte del paese.