One-day excursions
Etroubles - Col Champillon
Resorts: Étroubles
Technical information
Description of the route
The itinerary starts on the road that connects Etroubles to Allein. A few metres past the bridge over the Menouve, turn into route 22, which crosses several points of the agricultural road for Cerisey (1411 m). The path goes through woods to reach Casa Guet (1681 m), then runs alongside the road that goes over Rû d’Allein. Cross the brook and when you reach around 1800 m altitude, the itinerary bends leftwards and later becomes flatter as it crosses the steep slope of the valley. At 2350 m above sea level, near Alpe Crou de Bleintse (2377 m), you meet the AV1 route, which goes up to Col Champillon, which is now visible.