Vedun - Charvaz (La Salle)
Resorts: Avise
An itinerary that connects Avise and La Salle municipalities and is part of 13th stage of the Cammino Balteo: a travel in culture and history through a territory marked by ancient villages and impressive castles, surrounded by a varied landscape which changes from woods to meadows, from gardens to vineyards.
Technical information
Description of the route
The itinerary starts from Vedun, at the beginning of the Vertosan valley, where you can park your car. The path continues to the left, crosses the characteristic village, also passing under a house, and winds on a scot pine wood.
The trail goes on wide and slightly uphill for about half of the route until you reach a small promontory from where you have an exceptional view of Mont Blanc and Morgex and La Salle basin.
From here the narrowest track reaches the Montagnoulaz mountain pasture and ends in Charvaz.