Heritage: Challand-Saint-Victor

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"Roman" bridges

Architecture  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

In the hamlet of Verval we can find two Medieval bridges, otherwise known as the Roman bridges that are worth visiting. They are both “humpback” bridges. They had a considerable impact on the rural economy because they granted passage to men and animals, linking up the envers with the adret (in other words, the valley with the other side).

Torre Bonot or Tour des Signaux

Castles and towers  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

The tower, situated in the Bonod hamlet at an altitude of 744 m, can be reached on foot through a short path going from the hamlet of Isollaz.
Tall about twelve metres, cylindrical in form and with no turrets, it has a single, high entrance, reached via a ladder, which was then pulled up inside. It is said to have been used as a watchtower linking the castle of Graines with those of Villa (Challand) and Verrès, by using differently coloured fires according to the news to be transmitted.

Villa Castle

Castles and towers  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

This is the oldest manor belonging to the Challant noble family, one of the most important in Aosta Valley. It was built around the 10th century, but took its final form in the first decades of the 14th, thanks to the works carried out by Ebalo I of Challant. In addition to the rich agricultural fiefdom annexed to it, the castle controlled the trade traffic along the Val d’Ayas and particularly the route to Gressoney, through Col Dondeuil.

The ruins of Villa caslte lie within the “Lago di Villa” nature reserve in the municipality of Challand-Saint-Victor: going up from Verres, one kilometre after the hamlet of Villa, take the detour on the left marked “strada per il castello” (road to the castle). It is about 30 minutes walk from the car park.


Churches and shrines  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Oillon chapel
Situated in the hamlet of the same name (1,169 metres a.s.l.), it dates back to 1747 and is dedicated to Saint Gratus. Its naivety makes for a suggestive sight.

*Chapel of Saints Erasmus and James
Located in the hamlet of Isollaz, it was built in 1859 half way over a bridge, as a testimony of the request for divine protection on a dangerous place of passage.

Oratory of Saint-Maxime
Located in the hamlet of Tragnod, the chapel dates back to before the 15th century and is said to be the first church of Challand. According to tradition, the inhabitants of Issime, in the nearby Valley of Gressoney, crossed Col Dondeuil and went downhill as far as the alp of Cialesch to participate from there in the celebration of the Mass in the underlying chapel. The same itinerary is nowadays taken, in the opposite direction, by a track event which takes place during the month of September. On the facade, in the apse and in the triumphal arch, there are some significant frescoes dating back to 1441. Opposite the chapel a large rock presents numerous cupels, which may be of druidic origin.


Isollaz Chapel

Churches and shrines  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Located in the hamlet of Isollaz, it was built in 1859 half way over a bridge, as a testimony of the request for divine protection on a dangerous place of passage.


Oillon Chapel

Churches and shrines  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Situated in the hamlet of the same name (1,169 metres a.s.l.), it dates back to 1747 and is dedicated to Saint Gratus. Its naivety makes for a suggestive sight.


Oratory of Saint-Maxime

Churches and shrines  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Located in the hamlet of Tragnod, the chapel dates back to before the 15th century and is said to be the first church of Challand.

According to tradition, the inhabitants of Issime, in the nearby Valley of Gressoney, crossed Col Dondeuil and went downhill as far as the alp of Cialesch to participate from there in the celebration of the Mass in the underlying chapel. The same itinerary is nowadays taken, in the opposite direction, by a track event which takes place during the month of September.

On the facade, in the apse and in the triumphal arch, there are some significant frescoes dating back to 1441. Opposite the chapel a large rock presents numerous cupels, which may be of druidic origin.

See the 360° image of the interior here


Parish church of San Vittore

Churches and shrines  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

This parish is mentioned for the first time in the papal bull dated 5th April 1145 with which pope Eugene III took the canons of Saint-Gilles di Verrès under his protection.
The parish church of San Vittore is rectangular in shape and has a single nave. The current church dates back to the end of the 15th century or the beginning of the 16th century and was consecrated in 1521. Its construction was financed by the counts of Challant, whose coat of arms may be observed on a keystone above a buttress. The facade was rebuilt in 1670 and has a portico to protect the entrance. The seventeenth century portal in cut and sculpted stone is noteworthy and on the inside, the baroque altars in painted and gilded carved wood, are also interesting. The walnut stalls of the choir may be dated back to the end of the 17th century and bear the coats of arms of many of the noble families from the parish.
With the new direction of the church beginning from the seventeenth century, the bell tower came to find itself behind the apse. Having collapsed in 1755, it was rebuilt in 1762 but it appears to have kept its medieval typology in the lower section.


Targnod Chapel

Churches and shrines  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

La Cappella di Targnod è dedicata a Saint-Préjet (Proietto), soldato romano, fu compagno di martirio di san Maurizio e di san Vittore. Nel patois locale infatti “predzi” significa “parlare” e per questo ancora oggi si invoca il Santo a cui è dedicata la piccola cappella, affinché guarisca i bambini dalla balbuzie; in segno di gratitudine viene tradizionalmente offerto un galletto. La cappella è stata ricostruita già nel 1501. Sulla facciata, affresco del 1903 del pittore Stornone: Préject vi figura nelle vesti di ufficiale romano. Una nicchia nel muro meridionale conserva, secondo la tradizione, l’impronta del piede del santo sulla roccia.


Villa Chapel

Churches and shrines  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Costruita nel XVII secolo e poi completamente rifatta nel XIX mostra, sulla facciata,un affresco del 1872 del pittore Sogno. Vi appaiono la Vergine Addolorata e due angeli. All’interno, tela del Seicento con la Pietà, san Francesco, santa Lucia ed un perso­naggio di casa Masu.


Coro Chanteurs du Ru Herbal

Folk groups / Brass bands / Choirs  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Direttore: Mauro Savin
Il coro nasce nell’estate del 1999. Il coro prende il nome dal canale omonimo medioevale che forniva e fornisce tutt’ora l’acqua per l’irrigazione nelle varie comunità della vallata. Le Chanteurs Du Ru Herbal provengono dalle località toccate da questo canale. A fine 2003 il coro ha creato il primo cd “Rentrons, amis” composto da diversi brani anche inediti che danno vita al titolo delcd.


Challand Art - open-air museum

Museums  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Challand Art is an art trail with 14 unique works of art, made with natural materials: soil, leaves, wood, stone, iron.

An easy walk in the woods allows you to visit this open-air museum which winds along path no. 11 which connects Lake Villa to Col d’Arlaz (along the stage no. 6 of the Balteo Way Challand-Saint-Victor - Saint-Vincent).

Corale "Les Voix du Glaciers"

Folk groups / Brass bands / Choirs  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Questa corale è nata nel 2002. Il nome evoca le comunità sorte lungo la val d’Ayas che trae vita proprio dal ghiacciaio del Monte Rosa. Nella corale sono rappresentati quattro comuni: Ayas,Brusson, Challand Saint-Anselme e Challand Saint-Victor.
Direttore: Valter Choucher


Coro A Musica en fiour

Folk groups / Brass bands / Choirs  -  Champoluc/Ayas/Antagnod

Direttore: Valter Chouquer.
Il coro nasce nel 1999 da in’idea del maestro e di alcune mamme.Il coro è composto da bimbi con una età compresa tra i sei e i quattordici anni. Nel 2000 il coro coinvolge anche i bimbi di Ayas, Challand Saint-Victor e di Challand Saint-Anselme raddoppiando così il numero dei cantori. A giugno di ogni anno il coro organizza il baby festival canoro di primavera invitando altri gruppi.Il coro ha partecipato a diverse manifestazioni quali Telethon, l’adunata nazionale degli alpini,la presentazione dei cortrometraggi, Fete internazionale du Patois et des Emigrés. Attualmente il coro è composto da 30 bambini, dirige Valter Choucher e i loro canti sono accompagnati da una fisarmonica o una tastiera suonata da Leonardo Rous.
