Saint-Pierre Castle
Resort: Saint-Pierre
The museum is closed from 10 to 15 June 2025 and from 26 November to 4 December 2025
The last visit is carried out 1 hour before closing.
- April to September:
from 10am to 7pm, from Tuesday to Sunday - open on Mondays if a public holiday
for the month of August only, open from 10am to 1pm and from 5.30pm to 11pm
special opening Monday 22 September 2025
- From October to March:
from 10am to 6pm, from Tuesday to Sunday - open on Mondays if a public holiday
Closed on December 25th and January 1st.
Open visit:
full price ticket: €10.00
reduced: €8.00 reduced 19 - 25 years: € 3,00
reduced applies to: groups or groups accompanied by a tourist guide - hiking-nature guide - mountain guide (25 pax) or in the event of partial unavailability of several rooms.
free applies to: young people 0-25; certified handicapped persons and a companion; teachers or people accompanying school groups; tourist guide - hiking-naturalistic guide and mountain guide who accompanies the group; journalists; ICOM or ANMS card holders; Abbonamento Musei holders.
Accompanied visit:
July and August every day at 4pm
full price ticket: €15.00
reduced: €10.00
Family rate (two adults and two children >6 years): €30.00
reduced applies to: young people 6-25; groups divided into groups of 15 up to a maximum of 20 people.
free applies to: children 0-5; certified handicapped persons and a companion;
Guided tour by Museum staff: €4.50 per student
Visit associated with a paid educational laboratory: free
both by reservation only
Purchasing the ticket online is recommended
Telephone booking is only possible for groups of 15 or more people by calling +39 0165 95931, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9.45am to 5.45pm
booking the guided tour on Friday at 3.30pm is mandatory online
the last entry to the castle is 60 minutes before closing
The museum is closed from 10 to 15 June 2025 and from 26 November to 4 December 2025
This fairy-tale castle set on a crag above the village is really unique.
The famous four little lateral towers, which were added in the 19th century, give to Saint-Pierre’s castle, that ranks among the oldest manors in the region, a Disney-like appearance. The original structure might date back to the 12th century, because the brothers de castro Sancti Petri are mentioned as co-owners of a part of the castle in the well-known charter Charte de Franchise of 1191. Among the later owners we should remember Pietro Filiberto Roncas, who enlarged the castle in the 17th century and held there many receptions.
Since then, the castle underwent some refurbishments and had different owners. Now it belongs to Saint-Pierre’s municipality and it has housed the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences from 1985 until its closure, which was necessary to allow restoration works.
Thanks to these restoration works, the architectural structures were made safe, the wooden floors were consolidated and new technological systems and an elevator were installed. The restoration of the external facades and the internal rooms has allowed the reorganization of the museum and its reopening at the end of 2022.
watch the video: Saint Pierre castle