Description of the route

Altitude: 2,740 m
Location: Arpisson Valley - Garin Lake/Pass
Sleeping places: 6
Open: always open
Difficulty: E
Trail sign: 2 (from Epinel) - 3 (from Gimillan)
Ascent: 3h55 from Epinel - 3h from Gimillan
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: EAST- 372337
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: NORTH -5057283

The bivouac is dedicated to Franco Nebbia, a mountaineer from Turin who died in 1957 on the Obergabellhorn (Switzerland). In 2005 it was placed where it actually is, near the Garin lake (Cogne), whereas from 1958 to 2005 it was located near the Luseney lake (Saint Barthélemy). With the construction of the Reboulaz refuge, the bivouac lost its function and was moved to Cogne.

Leave the car in Epinel, then go to the upper part of the village and take the dirt road that goes up on the left bank of the Arpisson torrent.
After a few hundred metres, path 2 goes off to the right to reach the pastures of Teuvre and then Tsavanis (just after itinerary no. 2 is joined by path 3A on the right from Gimillan. Take this path to reduce the difference in level) and lastly Arpisson.
Behind the houses the path goes up entering the Arpisson Valley. A few hundred metres further on, you will come to a bifurcation, ignore the itinerary on the left to Colle Tsa Sèche and take the right-hand trail that goes to the head of the valley. After some small plains, stony ground and a long diagonal on the left you come to Nebbia bivouac, near the lake Garin and just before the last steep slope up to Garin Pass.
From the bivouac you can enjoy a wonderful panorama on the Gran Paradiso chain and on the Grivola, from the lake you have a closer view of Punta Garin while from the Pass the view opens on the Mont Blanc chain and on the small Arbolle lakes.

Equipment: blankets and mattresses.