Description of the route

Leave the car in Epinel, in the municipality of Cogne, then cross the village and take the path that leaves from the last few houses and leads to the dirt road on the left of the village. After a few hundred metres, route 2 goes off to the right to reach the pastures of Teuvre, Chavanis (just after itinerary no. 2 is joined by route 3A on the right from Gimillan) and lastly Arpisson, near which there is a crossroad. Ignore itinerary 3 on the right and take the left-hand trail that goes into Arpisson valley. A few hundred metres later you come to another crossroad. Continue along route 2 (on the right) and go up until you come to Nebbia bivouac, just before the last steep slope up to Col Garin.
Continue on the right of the bivouac to reach Lac Garin in a short time.
Go left of the bivouac to go up to the Pass Garin.