Servicios: Valtournenche

42 Resultados
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Agencia inmobiliaria "Hello Chalet"

Agencias inmobiliarias  -  Valtournenche

HelloChalet is the quality brand of the mountain tourism offer in Valle d’Aosta, born from the real estate group HelloGroup s.r.l., which has chosen to open the first office in Valtournenche, Valle d’Aosta. We are experts in the management of charming chalets and apartments, with the aim of offering our guests the best booking and accommodation experience possible.

  • Chalets, apartments at the foot of the slopes or in picturesque rascards
  • Prestigious properties and premium services
  • Transparency, quality and best price guaranteed
(+39) 0166691189

"Piccoli passi"

Baby club  -  Valtournenche

Open all year.

Piccoli Passi is a socio-educational service where various activities are carried out:

Open from Monday to Friday

  • playing activities
  • creative activities
  • strolls
  • labs
  • homework help service for elementary school children

The reservation is required in advance.

(+39) 350.0690590
+39) 328.8656700

Banca "Intesa Sanpaolo"

Bancos  -  Valtournenche

Entry into the branch for cash transactions is allowed by appointment only by calling n. 0166.525611.
The bank is open only on Wednesdays

  • ATM machine
  • 24-hour bank.

(+39) 0166.92284


Bibliotecas  -  Valtournenche

A warm and welcoming environment where you can spend time in the company of reading and music.

  • Book loan (more than 10,000)
  • Loan of IT documents (about 30 cd-roms)
  • Loan of audio documents (about 400)
  • Organization of various courses (foreign languages, IT, ...)
  • Organization of exhibitions
  • Organization of cultural events
  • Organization of children’s readings
  • Organization of workshops for children
  • Internet point service (available 30 minutes after opening and up to 30 minutes before closing)


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Access via a swing entrance door, the entrance threshold has a rise of approximately 12.5 compared to street level.
  • The floor below the entrance can be reached via a platform stairlift placed on the handrail of the staircase.
  • One toilet is accessible and equipped with the appropriate dimensions and aids required by current legislation.
(+39) 0166.92631

Caserma dei Carabinieri

Emergencias / Seguridad  -  Valtournenche

Per urgenze contattare la stazione Carabinieri di Breuil-Cervinia
(Tel. +39 0166.949073) oppure il Pronto Intervento (Tel. 112)

(+39) 0166.92022

Policía municipal

Emergencias / Seguridad  -  Valtournenche

La oficina está cerrada los martes y festivos.

Para Minutos Oficina contacte n. 0166.92433.

(+39) 0166.92032


Organismos locales  -  Valtournenche

Building located in the center of the country, next to the church and the tourism office.


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Two accesses, the one on the tourist office side is preferable as it is completely free of differences in height near the door.
  • All floors of the building are connected by an internal lift, that complies with the legislation in force.
  • On floors -1 and -2 there are accessible toilets.


(+39) 0166.946811

Comunità Montana Monte Cervino

Organismos locales  -  Valtournenche

La localidad de Valtournenche forma parte del ámbito territorial de la Comunidad de Montaña Monte Cervino. Las oficinas están ubicadas en el municipio de Châtillon.

Los viernes las oficinas abren solo por la mañana.

(+39) 0166.569711

Alquiler "GalSport"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Valtournenche

Ski rental and storage, at the foot of the Valtournenche cable car and at the arrival of the return slope, with ample public parking in front.

Possibility of daily, weekly, seasonal, location of ski for downhill (intermediate and other range), freeride, freestyle, snowblade, snowboard, sled (bob), and snowshoes…
The shop offers the service storage, maintenance and repairs.

The shop offers storage service (included for renting customers), with heated lockers for 2-4 people or lockers without heating for 3-4 seats, maintenance (laminating and waxing) and minor repairs.

And if you have forgotten something, the rental also sells various accessories, such as gloves, caps, masks, poles, socks, sunglasses, balaclavas and under gloves, slippers and footwarmers …

(+39) 016692308

Alquiler "Pellissier Sport"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Valtournenche

Tienda histórica y alquiler de artículos deportivos en Valtournenche.

Aquí encontrará todo lo que necesita para poder experimentar plenamente nuestro resort en todas las estaciones.

En nuestro alquiler podrás encontrar todo el equipamiento necesario, tanto para adultos como para niños.

En invierno te ofrecemos material y ropa para:

  • Esquí alpino
  • esquí de travesía
  • esquí de fondo
  • tabla de snowboard
  • raquetas de nieve
  • hielo cae
  • cascos

Realizamos reparaciones y reformas en todo tipo de esquís.

En verano equipo y ropa para:

  • trekking
  • Escalada de montaña
  • escalada
  • bicicleta de montaña
  • vía ferrata
  • etcétera

En verano también es posible alquilar bicicletas de montaña asistidas por pedales (tanto el modelo “sucio”, suspensión delantera y trasera, como el modelo “delantero”, solo suspensión delantera)

Además de alquilar, la tienda también vende ropa y artículos deportivos.

(+39) 0166.92124

Children's play park

Parques de juegos  -  Valtournenche

Playground inserted inside the picnic area consisting of:

  • 3 climbing gyms
  • 3 two-seater swings, one with cots
  • 1 multi-game composition with steps and slide
  • spring games
  • “shooting gallery” panel

(+39) 0166.946811

Children's play park

Parques de juegos  -  Valtournenche

Playground located in the town center, next to the Library and a few steps from the Pharmacy and the Sports Center, consisting of:

  • 1 multi-game composition with slide and climbing
  • 1 multi-game composition with 2 slides, climbing and tunnel
  • 1 mushroom house
  • 2 trampoline
  • 3 swings, one with cradle and one swivel
  • 1 climbing ball
  • different spring toys


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Access via a gate bordering the municipal road
  • There are no horizontal paths delimited inside the playground
(+39) 0166946811

Children's play park

Parques de juegos  -  Valtournenche

Small playground in the plain of Loc. Bringaz consisting of:

  • 1 two seater swings
  • 1 two-seater swing, one of which is a cradle
  • 1 climbing gyms
  • 1 tunnel
  • 1 cottage
  • 1 swing swing
  • 1 table tennis table
  • 2 spring toys


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Access via a walkway connected to the municipal road.
  • There are no horizontal paths delimited inside the playground
(+39) 0166.946811

Parque infantil en Loc. Maen - Lago

Parques de juegos  -  Valtournenche

Playground located near Lake Maen consisting of:

  • 2 climbing gyms
  • 3 multi-game compositions with passes and slides
  • 2 swings both with a cot
  • 1 swing swing


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Access via a gate bordering the municipal road.
  • There are no horizontal paths delimited inside the playground.
  • The toilets are wheelchair accessible.
(+39) 0166.946811

Playground in Maen - Hydroelectric Power Plant

Parques de juegos  -  Valtournenche

Small playground located near the hydroelectric plant consisting of:

  • 1 slide
  • 1 swing including a cot
  • 1 swing swing


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Access via a gate bordering the municipal road.
  • There are no horizontal paths delimited inside the playground.
  • The car park adjacent to the playground has two stalls reserved for disabled people with adequate dimensions.
(+39) 0166.946811

Salette "Summer Park"

Parques de juegos  -  Valtournenche

Adyacente a la llegada del teleférico (de fácil acceso) un área de juegos equipada permite la máxima diversión para los niños, brindando a los adultos la cantidad justa de relajación mimados por el aire fresco de dos mil metros, en presencia de Grandes murallas.

El “Summer Park” está equipado con:

  • una pista tubular de verano de 124 metros para paseos en rosquilla
  • dos correas de elevación
  • varios tipos de juegos inflables
  • carrusel
  • solárium
  • mini balanza
  • pista de bicicleta

Apertura 2024

  • Todos los días del 29 de junio al83 de septiembre

Hora de apertura

  • 10:00 - 16:30
(+39) 0166944311

Sala congresos

Salas de conferencia  -  Valtournenche

The hall of the Congress Center is adjacent to the multifunctional sports center, sited in Carrel Square.

It has an overall surface of more than 500 square meters, it is endowed with three cabins for simultaneous translations, a cabin for audiovisual direction, a room for meetings (with 20 seats), 2 dressing rooms and 1 washroom.

The Hall, 24m x 13.5m, is endowed with 236 seats. 108 of them are removable, situated in front of the stage, while the remaining places are fixed. In the first row, 4 places for disabled people have been prepared.

The stage has an 8 meters’ proscenium and a depth of 6 meters.

The hall facility equipments are all operated by an automatic control and management system and include:

  • video projection from several sources: VHS videorecorder, DVD, telecamera, satellite or terrestrial TV aerial, high definition computer, electronic overhead projector …;
  • teleconference;
  • simultaneous translation with in-cabin positions, infrared radiators and wireless users’ headphones;
  • sound amplification with dolby surround effect;
  • sound amplification with automatic management of the insertion of the different microphones and fore-tuning of the volume;
  • hall lights management (lighting, attenuation, turning off);
  • scene lights management with special effects;
  • management of motorized devices of the scene (opening/closing of curtains, descent/lifting of the screen, traverse of the hall telecamera).

The Center can also be used for theater shows, concerts, choirs, music bands and dancing entertainments.


As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Access from Piazza Carrel via a double door with no significant differences in level.
  • The conference room has a reserved area used as a toilet equipped with the aids required by current legislation.
  • The access rooms to the room do not present any particular architectural barriers, the slope of the walkway is slight in the first rows of seats (starting from the stage), while it is accentuated for the seats behind, thus exceeding the limit prescribed by law.
  • All access to the stage requires climbing a staircase.

(+39) 0166.946811

Farmacia "Dott. Varvello Luca Giovanni"

Salud  -  Valtournenche

During the low season (May, June, September, October and November) the pharmacy stays closed on Sundays afternoon, when it does not do the opening shift. The pharmacy also sells medicinal herb products, as well as homeopathic and veterinary products.

Night service shifting with Breuil-Cervinia and Antey Saint-André.

Find here the opening hours of the Pharmacy

Find here shift pharmacies

(+39) 0166.92094

Poliambulatorio di Valtournenche

Salud  -  Valtournenche

By Valtournenche’s consulting office a nursing service is available. The relative outpatients department is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm.
For any information on the activities carried out in the consulting office, for the booking of exams or visits, for possible cancellations related to the reservations please call the following numbers:
+39 0166.92108 - +39 0166.545211 and +39 0166.501011.


(+39) 0166.92108

c/o polideportivo polivalente - Valtournenche

Sauna/Baño turco/spa  -  Valtournenche

2 saunas y 1 baño turco. Posibilidad de masajes previa reserva.
Período de invierno: abierto de martes a sábado de 13.00 a 20.00 horas.
La apertura está garantizada, los 7 días de la semana, con motivo de las vacaciones.
Cerrado el día de Navidad.

(+39) 0166.92698

Sauna, hidromasaje y baño turco en el polideportivo

Sauna/Baño turco/spa  -  Valtournenche

.2 Saunas: capacidad máxima 5 personas.
Hidromasaje: capacidad máxima 4 personas.
El uso de la piscina también está incluido en el precio de la sauna y el hidromasaje.
Horario de invierno: 13.00-20.00

El baño turco se puede utilizar para uso exclusivo. Capacidad 5/6 pax.

(+39) 333.2374523
(+39) 0166.92723

Oficina de Turismo - Valtournenche

Regional tourist offices  -  Valtournenche

La oficina está situada en el centro del pueblo, en un antiguo rascard del 1700 reformado, a pocos pasos de la iglesia parroquial. En las inmediaciones hay cómodos aparcamientos. La oficina también es accesible con carritos de bebé o sillas de paseo mediante rampas y ascensor, pasando por la Piazza della Chiesa o por el aparcamiento que hay debajo.

Además de proporcionar toda información útil para unas vacaciones en el Valle del Cervino y en el Valle de Aosta, la oficina ofrece los siguientes servicios:

  • Venta de los billetes para el funicular Skyway Monte Bianco
  • Venta de la Aosta Valley Card
  • Venta de mapas de senderismo del Valle de Aosta y gadgets con el logo turístico
  • Venta de los permisos para pescar
  • Reserva de laboratorios y actividades organizadas
  • Venta de forfaits para las estaciones de esquí del Valle del Cerviño (en invierno)
  • Venta de Pasaportes Big Bench


Después del mapeo realizado en el 2023 durante el proyecto “Lo sci per tutte le abilità” (esquì para todos) resulta lo que sigue:  

  • Se puede acceder a la propiedad mediante un ascensor exterior, que cumple con la legislación vigente.
  • Se puede acceder desde la plaza de la Iglesia o mediante una rampa que parte del aparcamiento inferior, donde hay una plaza reservada para personas discapacitadas.
  • En la entrada hay dos puertas de acceso, de difícil acceso para personas en silla de ruedas, pero que se pueden realizar con la ayuda del personal de oficina o de un acompañante.

Periodos y horarios de apertura

De 2 de diciembre a 27 de abril

  • 9.00-12.30/14.30-18.00
  • vacaciones navideñas: 9.00-12.30/15.00-18.30
  • 25/12 cerrado

De 22 de abril a 1 de mayo

  • 9.00-12.30/14.00-17.30

De 2. Mayo y Junio

  • cerrado

De Julio al 1 de Septiembre

  • 9.00-13.00/14.30-18.30

Del 2 de septiembre al 9 de septiembre

  • 9.00-12.30/14.30-18.00

Del 10 de septiembre al 31/10

  • cerrado

De 1 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre

abierto de jueves hasta domingo

  • 9.00-12.30/14.00-17.30
(+39) 0166.92029