Servicios: Châtillon

45 Resultados
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Banco Bpm

Bancos  -  Châtillon

ATM – exchange - credit cards.
Visa and Mastercard credit cards are only accepted at the ATM.
Exchange is carried out at the counters only.

The bank is open from Monday to Friday.

In the morning cash service and consulting.
In the afternoom only consulting.
Preferably upon appointment.


Bank Sella

Bancos  -  Châtillon

Opening hours:

  • personalized consultancy/assistance service from Monday to Friday from 8.25am to 1.20pm and from 2.30pm to 3.30pm
  • cash operations Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.25am to 1.20pm.

An indoor ATM is available (open 24 hours a day) for cash withdrawals, deposits of cash/cheques and other operations.

In the room in front of the motorway exit there is an additional ATM (open 24 hours a day) for cash withdrawals.


Bank Unicredit SpA

Bancos  -  Châtillon

Cash dispenser - credit cards
All credit cards are accepted by the cash dispenser.
The bank is open from Monday to Friday, by reservation.
No cash service.



Bibliotecas  -  Châtillon

Available services :

- Free lending of books, magazines, CD, video, CD and DVD
- Study area for adults and children

On reservation it is possible to use 1 PC with free internet, max 3 hours per week, max 1 hour daily.



Charging stations for electric vehicles

Distribuidores de combustible  -  Châtillon

The Aosta Valley Region is active about the electric mobility, with a project, E-Via! , thanks to the Infrastructures and Transports department, that has permitted the installation of about 39 stations for the recharge of the electric vehicles, located in different regional locations.

The points generally stations that recharge at the same time 2 electric cars.

The recharging points generally consist of a column which allows the simultaneous recharging of 2 electric vehicles.


  • Possibility of activating a Flat product with a monthly subscription or a Rechargeable product with pre-paid credit
  • For Users registered with the D-Mobility app, it is also possible to activate a Pay per use profile with the app (info and prices in info-window app)
  • For occasional Users it is also possible to activate a recharge session by sending an SMS to 4882882 indicating the socket number which is indicated on the column next to each recharge socket at the cost of:
  • € 6,00/60 minutes for the Quick Charge stations (+ price of mobile ticketing service € 0,29 IVA included)
  • € 6,00/10 minutes for the Fast Charge stations (+ price of mobile ticketing service € 0,29 IVA included)



Petrol Station SVP BENZ

Distribuidores de combustible  -  Châtillon

petrol - diesel - artic diesel - self service

Washing car with many positions or tunnel with not-scratch brushes

For hand washing reserve to the +39 334 2405579

Payment by cash - credit card - bancomat



Forest station of Châtillon

Emergencias / Seguridad  -  Châtillon

Jurisdiction municipality of:
Chambave, Châtillon, Emarèse, Pontey, Saint-Denis, Saint-Vincent, Verrayes.


Rental ski and e-bike "Skisporthouse"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Châtillon

We rent the equipment for:

  • alpine ski
  • cross-country ski
  • mountaineering ski
  • snowboard
  • bob
  • snowshoes
  • e-bike
  • baby carrier backpack

Closed on Sunday; from December to the end of March it is open every day


Parking Castle Gamba - Via Italo Mus

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Approximately 30 places.

There is no parking reserved for disabled people. They can pass through the entrance gate and drive down the narrow road to the entrance of the castle.

1 charging spot for e-bike.

Parking reserved for visitors to Gamba Castle.

Parking La Sounère

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Approximatly 10 spaces

1 place for disabled people

1 charging spot for e-bike

Near access to Ru de la Plaine walk

Parking Perolles

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Approximately 30 places 

1 charging spot for electric cars

1 charging spot for e-bike (at 30 metres far in the camper parking area)

Near the Perolles Events Hall

Parking Piazza Volontari del Sangue - covered

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Entrance from Via Chanoux or Via Tollen - Exit only from Via Tollen

Parking metre

Two covered levels, with approximately 100 seats - 6 places for disabled people

Elevator or internal staircase

1 charging spot for e-bike at the entrance of Via Tollen

Close to Library - Parish Church and Capuchin Chapel - Passerin d'Entrèves Park and Castle - Dispensary - Weekly market on Monday


Parking Promiod

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

About 20 places.

Near the starting point of the excursions Promiod-La Magdeleine, Promiod-Mount Zerbion and Promiod Châtillon.

Parking Strada Plantin

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Approximately 60 places - 1 place for disabled people

E-bike charging spot and charging spot for electric cars

Close to the Bus station and the Bowls area 

Parking Train station

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Approximately 30 places - 1 place for disabled people

Charging spot for e-bike

Close to the train station and the nature trail of Dora Baltea

Parking Ussel

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Approximately 30 places.

Charging spot for e-bike (100 m along the dirt road leading to the Castle).

Close to Ussel Castle.


Parking Via Martiri della Libertà  and Viale della Rimembranza - partially covered

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Upper level - Via Martiri della Libertà:

A parking metre or EasyPark app

Approximately 20 places - 1 place for disabled people

1 charging spot for e-bike


Lower level - Viale della Rimembranza:

Partially covered

Parking with parking disc - 4 hours - from Monday to Friday

Approximately 20 indoor seats and approximately 25 uncovered seats

1 charging spot for electric cars

Near the Roman Bridge - Madonna delle Grazie Chapel - Honey Museum - ''Ex Hotel Londres'' room for events - Town Hall


Parking Via Menabreaz

Parcheggi  -  Châtillon

Approximately 30 places

1 charging spot for electric cars

Near the Matterhorn Valley and the bus stop Chameran bivio

Parque infantil - loc. Ussel

Parques de juegos  -  Châtillon

Contiguo al aparcamiento anexo al castillo de Ussel y en una gran zona verde con vistas del castillo.

  • zona libre
  • parque infantil
  • toboganes
  • columpios
  • juguetes saltarínes
  • fuente de agua potable

Parque infantil - Parque Casa Conte Luda

Parques de juegos  -  Châtillon

El parque infantil está situado en Via Martiri della Libertà.

  • zona libre
  • parque infantil
  • zona verde transitable
  • estructuras multi-juego
  • toboganes
  • columpios
  • 2 bancos

Sala congreos - Hotel La Rocca Sport & Benessere

Salas de conferencia  -  Châtillon

The meeting room at the Hotel la Rocca Sport & Benessere is suitable for any need, from a small meeting to a private meeting.

Capacity: 45 people
Meeting rooms: 1
Bar: 1
Technological equipment for audio, video, lighting: PC projector + audio system
Simultaneous translations: NO
Projection systems (e.g. VHS video, BVU-UMATIC video, slides and overhead projector..): NO
Can also be used for shows: NO


Centro salud Harmonia en Dalai Lama Village

Sauna/Baño turco/spa  -  Châtillon

Indoor swimming-pool with jacuzzi, jacuzzi, soft sauna, turkish bath and relaxation room.
Suitable for adults and children

From 6.00pm to 8.00pm entrance reserved only for adults.

Upon reservation.

Accessibility: the SPA is not accessible to disabled people in wheelchairs.


Wellness centre Hotel La Rocca Sport & Benessere

Sauna/Baño turco/spa  -  Châtillon

Swimming pool, sauna, turkish bath, hydromassage, gym, massages, Kneipp path and emotional showers.

Booking is compulsory.

The entrance fee includes the use of the wellness centre for a total of 2 hours.

Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, except during high season.

Inform you in advance about the opening days.

Accessibility: the sauna and the hamman/turkish bath are not accessible to disabled people in wheelchairs, but the swimming-pool is accessible.


Oficina de Turismo - Saint-Vincent

Regional tourist offices  -  Saint-Vincent

La Oficina permanece abierta todo el año

La oficina se encuentra a unos 400 m del Casino de la Vallée, sobre los jardines de Piazza Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto, cerca de la estación de autobuses y del estacionamiento cubierto de varios pisos, gratuito durante la primera media hora. Abierta también los sábados, domingos y festivos, proporciona información de todo el Valle de Aosta y ofrece los siguientes servicios:

  • Venta de entradas para castillos y yacimientos arqueológicos
  • Venta de entrada para el Forte de Bard
  • Venta de los billetes para el funicular Skyway Monte Bianco
  • Venta de la Aosta Valley Card
  • Venta de mapas de senderismo del Valle de Aosta y gadgets con el logo turístico
  • Venta de las guías Via Francigena y Camino Balteo
  • Venta de los permisos para pescar en el Valle de Aosta
  • Reserva de laboratorios y actividades organizadas

Periodos y horarios de apertura

De diciembre a abril

  • 9: 00-12: 30/14: 00-17: 30
  • Miércoles: cerrado
  • 9: 00-12: 30/15: 00-18: 30 vacaciones de Navidad
  • 25/12 cerrado


  • 9: 00-12:30/14:00-17: 30


  • 9: 00-12:30/14:30-18: 00
  • Miércoles: cerrado

Julio y agosto

  • 9: 00-13:00/14:00-18: 30


  • 9: 00-12: 30/14: 30-18: 00
  • Miércoles: cerrado
  • Octubre y noviembre *
  • 9: 00-12: 30/14: 00-17: 30
(+39) 0166.512239