Servicios: Breuil-Cervinia

50 Resultados
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Agenzia immobiliare "Nuova San Grato"

Agencias inmobiliarias  -  Breuil-Cervinia

L’agenzia è situata nella via centrale pedonale del paese
Si occupa di compravendita e di affitto di alloggi (annuali,stagionali e per brevi periodi)


"Il Cervino" Real Estate Agency

Agencias inmobiliarias  -  Breuil-Cervinia

L’agenzia è situata nella via centrale pedonale del paese
Si occupa di compravendita e di affitto di alloggi (annuali, stagionali e per brevi periodi)
Giorno di chiusura : mercoledì


"Fiocco di Neve Cervinia"

Baby club  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Abierto exclusivamente en invierno.

El servicio Mini Club está dedicado a niños y niñas de 6 mese a 11 años, turistas italianos y extranjeros o residentes en el municipio de Valtournenche. De diciembre a abril, el Mini Club está abierto todos los días, desde 8.30 hasta las 16.30 horas. Animadores preparados y expertos aseguran la mejor atención y preparan las actividades lúdicas más adecuadas para cada edad de los niños. Una estructura moderna, decorada alegremente y con espacios acogedores y confortables. Una zona exterior, al sol, para jugar con la nieve está disponible para los más pequeños. El servicio colabora con la Escuela de Esquí del Cervino que ofrece clases de esquí en grupo para niños a partir de 5 años, inscritos al Mini Club. Diferentes tarifas, por hora o diaria o las convenientes ofertas por semana o para toda la temporada . Posibilidad de comer en la estructura.El Mini Club se encuentra cerca de la salida del teleférico de Plateau Rosà.

(+39) 353.3821290

"Credito Cooperativo Valdostano" Bank

Bancos  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Opening hours to the public: 8.20am-1.20pm

Monday and Thursday in the months of January, February, March, April, July, August and December

Mondays in June, July, September, October and November.

Consultancy service by appointment


Municipal Police

Emergencias / Seguridad  -  Breuil-Cervinia

La polizia municipale presta servizio sul territorio di Breuil Cervinia. L'ufficio è ubicato a Valtournenche in frazione Cretaz


Trauma centre

Emergencias / Seguridad  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The trauma centre is open during the winter season from December to April.


Mercato settimanale misto

Mercados semanales  -  Breuil-Cervinia

El mercado se lleva a cabo solo durante la temporada de verano en la plaza del Chateau desde el primer lunes de julio hasta el último lunes de agosto.


Alquiler "Adriano sport"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The ski rental is located at the arrival station of the Cervinia/Plan Maison cable-car and it is open during the lifts opening hours.
Storage, service and sale of sports articles.


Alquiler "Cervinia Ski service"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental firm is located in front of the small field of Cretaz.
A storage service is available as well as repair and sale of sports articles.

(+39) .3358511092

Alquiler "Corradi Nicola"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental shop is located 100 meters from the start of the Cervino cableways.
Storage and service available.


Alquiler "Cretaz"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Rental ski , ski repairs and deposit at the start of the Cretaz and Campetto chair-lifts


Alquiler de esquì "La Genzianella Sport"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental shop is located next to the Cervino cableways departure station.
Storage, service and sale of sports articles.



As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Property near the public road with independent access from the outside with  metal ramp.
  • Entrance with automatic opening
(+39) 0166550102

Alquiler "Nol Ski"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental is located in the pedestrian road, near the Cretaz ski area.
Storage, service and sale of sports articles. Ski , bike and climbing equipment.


Alquiler "Sport center"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Storage, repair and selling of sports articles
Telemark equipment, snow shoes, mountain bikes and e-bikes rental.

(+39) 0166.948077

Alquiler "Top one"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental shop is located in the pedestrian road, near the Cretaz ski area.
Storage, service and sale of sports articles.


Alquiler "Valle ski service"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Ski Test
Storage and repair.
The rental firm is located close to the start of the Cieloalto chair-lift


Alquiler "White rent"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental firm is located at the beginning of the village close to Breithorn Square.
Storage, repair and selling of sports goods.
Snow shoes rental


Alquiler "White rent"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental shop is located at the entry of the village close to the ski school and the Breithorn Square.


Noleggio bike "Italy-Cicling Alps"

Alquileres Deporte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Noleggio e vendita  di E MTB -  Enduro ed altro  con possibilità di  tour guidati.
Ricambi ed accessori disponibili



Baselli Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Toll parking in the centre of the village, near the Parish Church, the main services and the entry of the pedestrian roads.


€ 1,00 per hour from 8am till 12am and from 2pm till 8pm

Cash payment at the machine at the parking entry or with Easy Park App

The parking is free in May, June, September and October


Blue Lake parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free summer parkings along the regional road n. 46 to reach the Blu Lake in few minutes

Bus parking possibility


Breithorn Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free parkings at the entry of the village, near the Terminal Bus and the pic nic area in summer

Easy access to the centre of the village and the shops

Cervino Lift Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Toll parking 24h/24h for around 500 cars at the departure of the Cervino ski resort lifts


€ 10,00 from 7am till 7pm 

€ 10,00 from 7pm till 7am

€ 1,50 per hour from 7pm till 12pm

Free entrance for loading/unloading for max 30 minutes

Payment with credit cards at the machines inside the parking or cash at the info point/ticket office during the opening time.



Chateau Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free parking at the top of the Circonvallazione Road near the Tourist Office, at the entry of the cross-country track in winter, the golf court and the start point of the excursions in summer

In winter very easy access at the lifts of the Cretaz area.

Easy access at the village centre and the shops

2 electric charging stations and 4 parkins for disabled people


Circonvallazione Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Toll parking along the Circonvallazione road near the Tourist Office and the Mountain Guides office, the Cervino Golf Club in summer and the cross-country track in winter. Easy access to the pedestrian roads.


€ 1,00 per hour from 8am till 12am and from 2pm till 8pm

Cash payment at the machine along the sidewalk or by Easy Park App

The parking is free in May, June, September and October


Tunnel Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free parking on the left side of the tunnel at the entry of the village available during the summer season

The access is from the regional road n. 46 near the petrol station Agip

Easy access at the pic nic area, at the children park and adventure park, the “Royaume du Cervin” area and the path n. 107 Balconata del Cervino


Kid Zone Fun Park

Parques de juegos  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Open in summer and winter season.
Located on the field next to the skating rink. Available for children: inflatables, donuts and various games for sliding, toys for playing in the snow, slides and playhouses. Deckchairs for adults, toboggans and “magic carpet” all included in the price. Free for children under one meter tall accompanied by an adult.

(+39) 3391599155

Post office

Correos  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Lo sportello è aperto dalle 8.20 alle 13.45 ed il sabato dalle 8.20 alle 12.45


Oficina de Turismo - Breuil-Cervinia

Regional tourist offices  -  Breuil-Cervinia

La Oficina abre todo el año

La oficina de turismo de Breuil Cervinia se encuentra en una cabaña de piedra y madera que comparte con la asociación de guías del Cervino, junto a un amplio aparcamiento gratuito a pocos pasos de la zona peatonal. Se encuentra frente a la pista de esquí de fondo en invierno y frente a la entrada del campo de golf en verano. Abierta todos los días, proporciona información detallada y ofrece los siguientes servicios:

  • Venta y reserva de *los billetes para el funicular Skyway Monte Bianco
  • Venta de la Aosta Valley Card
  • Venta de mapas de senderismo del Valle de Aosta y gadgets con el logo turístico
  • Venta de los permisos para pescar en el Valle de Aosta
  • Reserva de laboratorios y actividades organizadas
  • Venta de forfaits para las estaciones de esquí del Valle del Cerviño
  • Ofertas y reservas de alojamiento en hoteles col portal Reservas del Valle de Aosta
  • Reserva de pista de tenis
  • Venta de pasaportes Big Bench


Después del mapeo realizado en el 2023 durante el proyecto “Lo sci per tutte le abilità” resulta lo que sigue:  

  • Hay unos peldaños para acceder a la entrada principal
  • Hay un acceso alternativo desde el exterior del edificio que tiene una diferencia de 8 a 13 cm con la acera
  • La puerta principal tiene dimensiones adecuadas pero hay una elevación del suelo de más de 2,5 cm

Periodos y horarios de apertura

  • De noviembre a abril
  • 9: 00-12: 30/14: 30-18: 30
  • 25/12 cerrado

Mayo Y Junio

  • 9: 00-12: 30/14: 00-17: 30

Julio y agosto

  • 9: 00-13: 00/14: 00-19: 00

Septiembre y Octubre

  • 9: 00-12: 30/14: 00-17: 30
(+39) 0166.949136