The wonderful woods of the Arp de Jeu
Localidad: Saint-Rhémy-en-Bosses
Partenza dagli impianti di risalita di Crévacol
Adulti a partire da € 25,00
Ora e luogo di ritrovo: 09h30 – Località Ronc
Tempo di percorrenza stimato: 2h30 all'andata
Dislivello: 400 m
Difficoltà: WT2 Escursione con racchette da neve
Partecipanti: minimo 4, massimo 6 persone
Abbigliamento, attrezzature e materiali consigliati: Si richiede abbigliamento comodo e caldo sovrapponibile, guanti e berretto, scarponi o pedule da montagna, no monboot per difficoltà allacciamento alle racchette.
Costo: adulti a partire da € 25,00
La quota comprende: fornitura racchette da neve e bastoncini
In caso di maltempo: L’attività potrà subire modifiche o annullamenti anche in corso di svolgimento, per motivi di sicurezza o avverse condizioni meteo, a giudizio della Guida Escursionistica
Modalità di prenotazione: entro le ore 10.00 del giorno precedente al tel. +39 340 7085371
This excursion with snowshoes will offer you the opportunity to know the mountain environment of the Alps, to admire the splendid landscapes of the Aosta valley and to get in touch with the magical world of snow, by means of practical activities as to measure the snowpack with special tools such as lenses and thermometers, to know its origin, to learn its structural and stability features. You will know the history of the snowflake and its further transformations into snowpack and you will observe the snowy environment.
Time of the snowshoe hike: 2h30 (one way)
Hight difference: 400 metres
Difficulty: WT2 snowshoes hike
Number of participants: minimum 4, maximum 6 persons
*Recommended equipment and clothing: warm, comfortable, layered clothing, gloves, hat, hiking boots, no moonboot because it is difficult to attach them to snowshoes.
In case of bad weather: the itinerary of the snowshoe hike could be changed, or the hike could be cancelled. The guide can decide, according to the weather conditions, to change the itinerary or to cancel the hike.
How to book calling the phone number 3407085371 within 12 p.m. (noon) of the previous day.
The snowshoe hike is organised, on request, also on other week-days as well as on other dates.