As for all the mountain activities, you must not overestimate yourself venturing into difficult and arduous paths: inquire about the route to follow and the conditions of the snow and always check the weather forecast. Every winter the snow conditions may be different so the recommended periods for each excursion are approximate.

See also the guided snowshoe walks

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48 Results
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Tsa Fontaney

Snowshoe  -  Nus

Take the road that leads to the Valle d’Aosta Astronomy Observatory. After the signpost that indicates the main routes leaving Lignan, climb the planet path meaning the short road that leads to the observatory accompanied by a series of information panels dedicated to the planets in the solar system. The road becomes a snowy slope and starts to climb the sunny side over Lignan. After a gentle rise where you can see the exciting South-East face of Mont Faroma, take the steep climb to the barracks (where a path leads to Comba di Chaleby). Here you’ll find the initial Place pastures and the path becomes steeper. After the renovated Place de Meiten houses, continue climbing the snow-covered slope hugging the larch woods until you reach Mayes. Cross a strip of the larch woods to quickly reach the Fontaney buildings. Continue crossing to your right, passing another strip of woods until you reach the edge of a beautiful snow-covered pasture: turn left and pass the last larch trees entering an area of rare beauty, a sea of snow at the foot of Mont Morion. Climb the slope heading for the signpost covered in snow: from here, turn slightly to your left and, after a couple of hills, the pasture appears. A last push and you’ll reach Tsa de Fontaney.
The pasture provides an exciting view: the beautiful Mont Emilius and Becca di Nona outlined by the sun and the frozen peaks of Monte Rosa.

Conca di By

Snowshoe  -  Ollomont

Leave your car near the signs for the C.V.A. (Giri d’Energia) and take the summer path following the directions on a series of signposts showing the routes passing through the Conca di By. Climb the slope, which is normally well-beaten, following the clear fencing which accompanies the summer path making it easy to follow. When you reach a hump, you go downhill briefly and gently climb towards the Alpine pasture of Pont. Once past the Alpine pasture and the characteristic “aquaduct” (a metal pipe supported by imposing stone columns) you follow the directions towards By, going downhill briefly until you reach a small bridge over an almost frozen stream. From here you start climbing again, going through a short section of larch trees; you continue on, following the winding pathway which leads you to the foot of the Alpine pastures of Crottes. Once past the Alpine pastures (you actually walk below them) you continue on, cutting diagonally towards the left until you reach the sparse larch-tree wood again; from here you start to climb steeply again with a long series of turns until you cut across the ridge again, this time to the right, until you come to a small rocky promontory. You walk past it and following the fence, you come to a small balcony beneath the Conca di By: with a final effort, you climb up the barren ridge until you reach the small Chapel of the Madonna degli Alpini situated near the By basin.
You now continue on passing between the little church and a farm building in the direction of Farinet which you reach after a few minutes. After a brief stop, you continue on until you come to a signpost, which is just visible from the house: you now turn left in the direction of the village of By. make your way along the summer lane, which is clearly visible in winter, going in a northerly/north-westerly direction crossing a ridge which is very insidious, when the snow is not perfectly stable. Once past this diagonal, the tiny village of By appears before you, immersed in the splendid By hollow and surrounded by the imposing peaks from the Molaires du Valsorey to the Tête Blanche.

Croce di Fana

Snowshoe  -  Quart

Leave your car and head towards the town of Fonteil following the road through the houses. You’ll find a signpost after the village: take the path on the left that avoids part of the farm road. Returning to the slope, climb to your right crossing the fir woods to start the initial part of the Comba Dèche. The climb here is rather bland quickly taking you to some houses in front of Becca d’Aveille. After the houses, continue along the snow-covered slope until you find a solitary pasture at a bend: this is alp Cré. Ignore the straight slope and turn left on the steeper climb whose bends take you in view of Brunier: the path does not lead to the houses since it turns left into the woods. Ignore the fork on the right to finally reach Flemagne. A beautiful view of the central valley mountains opens up after the buildings. Re-enter the woods as the slope turns slowly right until it reaches a field where it seems to end: from here, take the slope that enters the woods on the right. From here on the path is not well-marked especially if not beaten. Continue to a small clearing at about altitude 1900m where you must follow a small moraine in the woods. Gaining altitude, leave the ridge and turn slowly towards the left to a panoramic point with a great view of Mont Emilius. After this brief clearing, return through the woods following the path to the right. At the end of the path, turn left and climb through the thick fir woods. The woods slowly start to thin out and, heading towards the peak, the slope levels out near a delightful clearing: you’re near the end. It’s now just a short climb to Croce di Fana (2212 m).
The view of the Aosta basin as well as the aerial view of the region’s capital are magnificent from the top.

Along the Grand Ru

Snowshoe  -  Rhêmes-Notre-Dame

After leaving the car in Chanavey , in front of the Gran Paradiso National Park Visitors Centre, cross the bridge and continue for a few meters. The path starts on the right along the river. The itinerary develops along the orographic left of the course of the Dora river until it reaches the hamlet of Bruil. After a few hundred meters the route climbs along the Alta Via n. 2 and reaches the irrigation canal, the so called Grand Ru. Turning left the track is flat and winds through the wood until it reaches the locality Bruil and the same track that leads back to Chanavey.

In snowshoes up to Benevolo Refuge

Snowshoe  -  Rhêmes-Notre-Dame

From Pellaud, continue along the road that leads to Thumel coasting the Doire de Rhêmes after a couple of minutes. After walking for about 20 minutes you reach the summer parking lot before entering Thumel. Continue to Thumel and then take path 13. You’ll reach the park ranger’s hut after ascending for several minutes. Pass under some rocks until to reach a wide ledge: from here, continue on the flat route that then drops towards the Torrent de Barmaverain river bed. After the river bed, continue along the summer path that climbs the ridge to the Barmaverain buildings. After enjoying the magnificent view of the Granta Parei, head towards the short snow-covered peak that coasts the gorges carved by the Doire di Rhêmes (be careful). After the peak, cross an almost flat segment that quickly leads near the Thumel hydro-electric foundations.
The route continues slightly upwards while the refuge slowly appears. Cross the Doire de Rhêmes and continue on the right-hand side crossing to the plains under the refuge. You’re near the end: after following a long straightaway you’ll enter a small valley that quickly leads to the Benevolo refuge.


Snowshoe  -  Rhêmes-Saint-Georges

Leave the car near the parish church and continue until the beginning of the road. After a few minutes turn right following the signs to Vérogne and you will reach Le Coveyrand village. After two sharp bends and about 30 minutes stand Ronc hamlet and continue for a rather long and straight stretch. Then turn left and get deeply into the thick larch forest. The itinerary ends in Vérogne village from where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the Mont Fallère peak.


Snowshoe  -  Saint-Marcel

From Druges Hautes walk towards the houses in the village: from here you take a path that proceeds through the wood, often used by snowmobiles. Go around the buildings on the right and continue on until you meet a no-thoroughfare sign on th farm road which leads to the Alpine pastures of Fontaine Froide. Climb up through the larch and fir-tree wood, completing an initial fairly steep section, then a little after, the route becomes less arduous; you go round a hairpin bend and you come to a small wooden chalet. The climb continues along a lengthy straight section which leads to the pastures of Fontaine Froide. The route continues round two wide hairpin bends leading to some buildings: you have to stop here to take a look at the view over the Matterhorn and the Monte Rosa group, which is quite unforgettable.
You start off again turning to the left above the Alpine pastures; the route through the woods continues to climb steeply until you reach a small level clearing where there is a wooden signpost indicating the Alpe Bren: fro here you begin to see the snow-capped “cake” of Mont Roux. The path continues on towards the ridge of the Valle della Clavalité and reaches another clearing from where you can enjoy some interesting views over the eastern peaks of this wild valley. Within a few minutes you reach the Alpe Bren and the characteristic wooden Christ. Continue on towards the destination: after a quarter of an hour’s gentle uphill climb, you come to the farm buildings of Prapremier (2011 m).
From these Alpine pastures you get an interesting, though narrower panoramic view than the one from Fontaine Froide, but you can certainly enjoy the silence of this place which makes it even more appealing.

Becca France

Snowshoe  -  Saint-Pierre

You climb the track that immediately veers to the right, taking you across the vast pastures below Thoules. Cross the vast snowy area following the signposts of the track with your snow shoes. You aim towards the Alpine pasture which you reach quite quickly. From Thoules you turn to the right following a snowy path which enters the valley of Méod, following the bend around the water catchment area. A few stretches are made a little more difficult due the incline caused by the snow deposits. You soon reach the wide valley which precedes the Alpine pasture of Loé: you walk across it staying at the same level until you reach a footbridge which allows you to cross the Verrogne torrent. When you reach the left bank that faces downhill, you perform a few turns and then come to the long Alpine pasture of Loé.
Following the directions on a signpost, you climb the ridge above the Alpine pasture, bearing to the right until you reach a small panoramic clearing. The vegetation is quite sparse and allows you to choose which direction is the best to take. You now climb up the steep slope (without following a set course), which leads to the top of the wide ridge leading to the summit: this stretch is very arduous and must be tackled when the snow conditions are ideal. When you reach the ridge, you can glimpse the peak: you now proceed to the right, going downhill for about 100 metres as far as the foot of the collar that precedes the peak. From here you climb up the last part, going left round a large gendarme, and then climbing up along the wide ridge as far as the peak of the Becca France.

This is quite a difficult route technically, in the sense that you cross certain stretches that require a lot of experience on the various surfaces to be tackled: this route, therefore, is recommended for expert walkers.

Punta Leysser

Snowshoe  -  Saint-Pierre

From Vétan, climb the beaten slope to the isolated Chatelanaz house. Continue climbing the slope with alternating steep and gentle sections, following the route beaten by the snow mobiles. After a couple of turns you’ll gain altitude nearing some watersheds well-loved by snowboarders. Continue leaving the Grandes Arpilles houses on your right and climb the unmarked slope where the vegetation slowly disappears. The climb becomes steeper until it reaches the ridge at the forepeak. Descend the ridge until it starts to climb towards the peak where you’ll find a wooden cross.

Arp de Jeux

Snowshoe  -  Saint-Rhémy-En-Bosses

Proceed West along the slightly ascending snow-covered slope, leaving the covered road to the Gran San Bernard tunnel on your left. When you reach the slope that returns to the Crévacol lifts, continue straight until you enter the wide snow-covered Plan Praz pasture. You’ll find the track marked by specific signs on your right: turn, practically reversing your steps, and continue along Ru d’Arc. The route is flat passing under the beautiful Henvy house and, just after a left turn, you cross a steeper segment (the only difficult one) which returns to the easy route that quickly leads to the Chantel desot buildings. Enter the woods until you find another slope: turn left and cross a pleasant wooded section. After exiting the woods, you’ll find the Chantel damon houses standing on a short plain. Re-enter the woods and start the gentle ascent among the larch trees full of lichens. When you reach the slope, cross it and follow the signs for the bar. The route ends with an ascent out of the woods to the Arp du Jeux pastures (1970 m) just in front of the ski slopes.
Return back down the route up or climb straight down to the valley floor until you reach the route you took up, following it to the parking lot.