Description of the route

Situated in the heart of the Gran Paradiso National Park, within a context dominated by the shapes of ancient glacial modelling, the landscape appears to be distorted by a gigantic landslide that took place during the flood of October 2000. The vast proportions of this gravitative movement upset the valley of the Urtier river between Cogne and Lillaz, near the small residential area of Champlong.

With the use of binoculars you can observe the entire phenomenon, distinguishing its various components: the detachment niche, the flow and accumulation area.
In the photographs you can see the little mud volcanoes which formed near the clayey portions of the central area of the landslide. They bear witness to the waters under pressure inside the body of the landslide. The photographs were taken several months after the flood event as further proof of the considerable quantity of water around.

How to get there

From the Aosta Ovest motorway exit, take the S.R. 47 in the direction of Cogne. At the entrance to Cogne, follow the signposts for Lillaz. Park just before the residential area of Champlong, on the Cogne-Lillaz road.
The cycle path runs alongside the stream and it is therefore possible to arrive by bike from Cogne.