In the magical setting of Cogne, at the foot of the Gran Paradiso, there is a story to discover and share: that of the family... and of Hotel La Madonnina.
It is a tale of hospitality, passion and love for the mountains, a hotel for unique stays, where you can rediscover harmony of spirit and body, immersed in the beauty of the places and the comfort of the furnishings.



Prices are valid from 01/12/2024 to 30/11/2025

How to get here

By car

Aosta Ovest-Aymavilles motorway exit. After the toll booth, turn right following the signs for Aymavilles-Cogne and head towards the town.
Go past Aymavilles castle, then, bending towards the right follow the regional road for approximately 20 km up to the built-up area of Cogne, the capital of the province. At the roundabout go straight on up to the main square where the town hall is, once there turn right and carry on uphill for a couple of hundred metres until you reach the hotel.

By public transport

The nearest train station is in Aosta.
Scheduled Coach service as far as Cogne (approximately 6 trips a day).