Serviceleistungen: Breuil-Cervinia

50 Ergebnisse
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Agenzia immobiliare "Nuova San Grato"

Immobilienbüros  -  Breuil-Cervinia

L’agenzia è situata nella via centrale pedonale del paese
Si occupa di compravendita e di affitto di alloggi (annuali,stagionali e per brevi periodi)


"Il Cervino" Real Estate Agency

Immobilienbüros  -  Breuil-Cervinia

L’agenzia è situata nella via centrale pedonale del paese
Si occupa di compravendita e di affitto di alloggi (Annuali, stagionali e per brevi periodi)
Giorno di chiusura : mercoledì


"Fiocco di Neve Cervinia"

Babyclub  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Winter opening.

The Mini Club service is dedicated to girls and boys from 6 months to 11 years old, Italian and foreign tourists or residents in the Municipality of Valtournenche. From December to Mai, the Mini Club is open every day, from 8.30am to 16.30pm, from 7th December 2024 to 27th April 2025.

Entertainers highly qualified and experienced ensure the best care and gaming activities more suitable for all ages of children.
The rooms are modern, cheerfully decorated, cozy and comfortable. An open space, in a sunny area, to play with snow is available for the younger guests. The service collaborates with the Ski School Cervino offering group ski lessons for children from 5 years, with attendance at the Mini Club. Rates range from hourly cost to the daily, from special weekly offers to season tickets. Lunch service is also available.The Mini Club is located not far from the departure of the cable car to Plateau Rosà.

The number of places are limited and the reservaton is needed at:


(+39) 353.3821290

"Credito Cooperativo Valdostano" Bank

Banken  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Opening hours to the public: 8.20am-1.20pm

Monday and Thursday in the months of January, February, March, April, July, August and December

Mondays in June, July, September, October and November.

Consultancy service by appointment


Municipal Police

Notfälle / Sicherheit  -  Breuil-Cervinia

La polizia municipale presta servizio sul territorio di Breuil Cervinia. L'ufficio è ubicato a Valtournenche in frazione Cretaz


Trauma centre

Notfälle / Sicherheit  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The trauma centre is open during the winter season from December to April.


Mercato settimanale misto

Wochenmärkte  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Der Markt findet nur während der Sommersaison auf dem Schlossplatz vom ersten Montag im Juli bis zum letzten Montag im August statt


Noleggio bike "Italy-Cicling Alps"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Noleggio e vendita  di E MTB -  Enduro ed altro  con possibilità di  tour guidati.
Ricambi ed accessori disponibili



Skiverleih "La Genzianella Sport"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental shop is located next to the Cervino cableways departure station.
Storage, service and sale of sports articles.



As a result of the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the "Lo sci per tutte le abilità" (Skiing for everyone) project, the following was found:

  • Property near the public road with independent access from the outside with  metal ramp.
  • Entrance with automatic opening
(+39) 0166550102

Verleih "Adriano sport"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Der Verleih befindet sich bei der Bergstation der Gondelbahn Breuil Cervinia/Plan Maison und hat die gleichen Öffnungszeiten wie die Liftanlagen.
Abstell- und Reparaturservice sowie Verkauf von Sportartikeln.


Verleih "Cervinia Ski service"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Der Verleih befindet sich gegenüber dem Campetto Cretaz.
Im selben Gebäude ist die Skischule Cervinia Matterhorn untergebracht.
Abstell- und Reparaturservice sowie Verkauf von Sportartikeln.

(+39) .3358511092

Verleih "Corradi Nicola"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Der Verleih liegt 100 Meter von der Talstation der Matterhorn-Seilbahnen entfernt.
Abstell- und Reparaturservice


Verleih "Cretaz"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Der Verleih befindet sich gegenüber der Talstation der Cretaz-Sesselbahnen.
Abstell- und Reparaturservice.


Verleih "Nol Ski"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental is located in the pedestrian road, near the Cretaz ski area.
Storage, service and sale of sports articles. Ski , bike and climbing equipment.


Verleih "Sport center"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Storage, repair and selling of sports articles
Telemark equipment, snow shoes, mountain bikes and e-bikes rental.

(+39) 0166.948077

Verleih "Top one"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Der Verleih befindet sich in der Fußgängerzone in der Nähe des Campetto Cretaz.
Abstell- und Reparaturservice sowie Verkauf von Sportartikeln.
Ski- und Tourenskiverleih.


Verleih "Valle ski service"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Ski Test
Storage and repair.
The rental firm is located close to the start of the Cieloalto chair-lift


Verleih "White rent"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Der Verleih liegt an der Ortseinfahrt in der Nähe von Piazzale Breithorn.
Abstell- und Reparaturservice sowie Verkauf von Sportartikeln.


Verleih "White rent"

Vermietungen Sport  -  Breuil-Cervinia

The rental firm is located at the beginning of the village close to Breithorn Square.
Storage, repair and selling of sports goods.
Snow shoes rental


Baselli Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Toll parking in the centre of the village, near the Parish Church, the main services and the entry of the pedestrian roads.


€ 1,00 per hour from 8am till 12am and from 2pm till 8pm

Cash payment at the machine at the parking entry or with Easy Park App

The parking is free in May, June, September and October


Blue Lake parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free summer parkings along the regional road n. 46 to reach the Blu Lake in few minutes

Bus parking possibility


Breithorn Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free parkings at the entry of the village, near the Terminal Bus and the pic nic area in summer

Easy access to the centre of the village and the shops

Cervino Lift Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Toll parking 24h/24h for around 500 cars at the departure of the Cervino ski resort lifts


€ 10,00 from 7am till 7pm 

€ 10,00 from 7pm till 7am

€ 1,50 per hour from 7pm till 12pm

Free entrance for loading/unloading for max 30 minutes

Payment with credit cards at the machines inside the parking or cash at the info point/ticket office during the opening time.



Chateau Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free parking at the top of the Circonvallazione Road near the Tourist Office, at the entry of the cross-country track in winter, the golf court and the start point of the excursions in summer

In winter very easy access at the lifts of the Cretaz area.

Easy access at the village centre and the shops

2 electric charging stations and 4 parkins for disabled people


Circonvallazione Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Toll parking along the Circonvallazione road near the Tourist Office and the Mountain Guides office, the Cervino Golf Club in summer and the cross-country track in winter. Easy access to the pedestrian roads.


€ 1,00 per hour from 8am till 12am and from 2pm till 8pm

Cash payment at the machine along the sidewalk or by Easy Park App

The parking is free in May, June, September and October


Tunnel Parking

Parcheggi  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Free parking on the left side of the tunnel at the entry of the village available during the summer season

The access is from the regional road n. 46 near the petrol station Agip

Easy access at the pic nic area, at the children park and adventure park, the “Royaume du Cervin” area and the path n. 107 Balconata del Cervino


Kid Zone Fun Park

Spielparken  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Open in summer and winter season.
Located on the field next to the skating rink. Available for children: inflatables, donuts and various games for sliding, toys for playing in the snow, slides and playhouses. Deckchairs for adults, toboggans and “magic carpet” all included in the price. Free for children under one meter tall accompanied by an adult.

(+39) 3391599155

Fremdenverkehrsbüro - Breuil-Cervinia

Regional tourist offices  -  Breuil-Cervinia

Das Fremdenverkehrsamt ist das ganze Jahr über geöffnet.

Das Tourismusbüro Breuil Cervinia befindet sich in einem Chalet aus Stein und Holz, das gemeinsam mit der Gesellschaft der Cervino-Touristenführer genutzt wird. Gleich daneben steht ein großer kostenloser Parkplatz bereit, der nur wenige Schritte von der Fußgängerzone entfernt ist. Das Büro befindet sich im Winter gegenüber der Langlaufloipe und im Sommer gegenüber dem Eingang zum Golfplatz. Es ist täglich geöffnet und bietet detaillierte Informationen und folgende Dienstleistungen:

  • Ticketverkauf und Reservierungen für die Seilbahn Skyway Monte Bianco
  • Verkauf der Touristenkarte Aosta Valley Card
  • Verkauf von Wanderkarten für das Aosta-Tals und Gadgets mit dem touristischen Logo
  • Verkauf von Angelscheinen im Aostatal
  • Buchung von Workshops und organisierten Aktivitäten
  • Verkauf von Skipässen für das Cervino-Tal (im Winter)
  • Angebote und Buchung von Hotelunterkünften über das Portal Booking Valle d’Aosta
  • Buchung von städtischen Tennisplätzen
  • Verkauf von Big-Bench-Pässen


Von November bis April

  • 9:00-12:30 /14:30-18:30
  • 25/12 geschlossen

Mai und Juni

  • 9:00-12:30 /14:00-17:30

Juli und August

  • 9:00-13:00 /14:00-19:00

September und October

  • 9:00-12:30 /14:00-17:30
(+39) 0166.949136