Saison Culturelle Musique - Arpeggio elettrico Antonella Ruggiero
Orte: Courmayeur
Cinema Courmayeur
Samstag 29 März 2025
ore 21:00
€ 25,00
€ 20,00
Il servizio di trasporto gratuito prevede le seguenti tratte andata e ritorno: Pont-Saint Martin - Courmayeur
- partenza ore 18.45 - 19.00 circa fermate intermedie previste Hone/Bard – Verrès – Chambave – Nus – Aosta - Sarre -Saint-Pierre - Arvier - Morgex
Antonella Ruggiero, universally considered to be one of the most intense and evocative voices on the Italian music scene, has shown her curiosity over the years by experimenting with different sound and artistic forms, ranging from sacred music to jazz, via Jewish, Portuguese, oriental and traditional folk music.