Journées de la Francophonie - "Poé-cité" - Cette magie, appelée poésie, conferenze on poetry
As part of the Journées de la Francophonie, the prize-giving ceremony for the ‘Poé-cité’ initiative, which involves a large number of students from the University of the Aosta Valley and the region's secondary schools, will be the occasion for a conference on the value of poetry: often considered a ‘difficult’ genre, reserved for the chosen few, poetry has had, and still has today, the necessary potential, if not to change the world, at least to mobilise souls to take action.
The meeting, chaired by Teresa Grange (Senghor Chair of the Francophonie), will be opened by speeches from Jean-Pierre Guichardaz, regional councillor for cultural activities and assets, the education system and intergenerational relations policies, Manuela Ceretta, rector of the Univda, and Christine Valeton, president of the Alliance française de la Vallée d'Aoste.
Organised by the University of the Aosta Valley, in collaboration with the Senghor Chair of the Francophonie, the Aosta Valley Autonomous Region and the Alliance française de la Vallée d'Aoste.
Scientific director: Federica Locatelli
Free admission.
Information: Tel. +39 0165 1875200 -