Nature: Nus, Quart, Roisan, Saint-Christophe

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Lo Tsatelet natural reserve

Parks and reserves  -  Aosta

A site of archaeological and naturalistic interest

This particularly interesting area from a geomorphological and archaeological point of view, the hillock with steep slopes and a flat peak is located to the North-East of Aosta and it is also known locally as “Quota B.P.” (from Baden-Powell, scout founder).

A late Neolithic settlement, dating back to 3000 B.C. was situated at the top of the hill.

The nature reserve extends across 14 hectares at an altitude between 720 - 796 meters and offers typical sceneries of low mountain slopes with southern exposure.
The area is an excellent point for birdwatching during the migratory periods, especially for some birds of prey and corvidae. The reserve is also home to some mammals, reptiles and various invertebrate species.

The area’s climate promotes typically xerophile plant species mainly downy oaks and plants of steppe origin.
This conditions make the reserve’s visit possible all year round, with preference for spring and autumn.

How to get there
From the exit Aosta Est of the A5 motorway, take the national road 26 towards the town. At the second roundabout turn right towards Porossan and go on until the Serod hamlet. Continue following the signs to Saint-Christophe until reaching the little parking at the reserve’s entry.

Vollein: geology, rock art and neolithic culture

Geosites and mines  -  Quart

Today we will observe the manifestations of two phenomena. The first, which is associated with the great glaciation of the past, left evident traces of glacial morphology, among which, the roche moutonée, characterised by its stripes and its typical shape, and the erratic boulders, rocky blocks transported by the glacier and deposited here during the withdrawal phase. The second phenomenon occurred during a subsequent period, and is known among the scientific community as “deep slope gravitative deformation”. In the presence of determined conditions of instability (which still exist), the slope is subject to a very slow, slightly downward slipping, causing cracks in the rock, evident deformations and deep trenches.

To this context, which is exemplary from a geological-geomorphological point of view, we should add noteworthy cultural aspects, such as the rock art that finds its expression here in the “coppelle” incisions on the roche moutonée, and the neolithic necropolis, which is one of the richest and most significant of its kind in the Aosta Valley.

The necropolis, which was discovered in 1968 near the village of the same name, stands in the most depressed area of the roche moutonée. The archaeological digs brought 66 cist tombs to light, that is, tombs shaped like a stone drawer protruding from the land, consisting of four upright slabs and a covering slab placed over the sides of the tomb. Today, most of the tombs have been covered, three of them remain visible. Nearby, about 20 meters west of the tombs, the rock carvings are also visible.
More information on the archaeological aspects with 3D images can be found on the website

The visit to the geological site also offers a stupendous balcony over the central valley.

How to get there:

From the Nus exit of the A5 motorway, take the S.S. 26. Near the entrance to the road for Chetoz, on the right is the Quarry of La Plantaz.
To reach Vollein, from the Chetoz crossroads, proceed on the right in the direction of Séran, then towards Pillod. Having reached the first crossroads, take the road for Argnod, Vignil on the right, until you reach the inhabited area of Vollein.

Technical notes:
Altitude: between 500 m and 900 m
Overall duration of the tour: 1/2 day
Recommended period: spring, summer, autumn, in winter the itinerary is also practicable in the absence of snow.

The itinerary:
Having parked the car near the inhabited area of Vollein, go back on foot for a distance of approximately 200 m; walk down along a trail marked off by a wooden fence towards a depressed area that will allow you to cross the main trench by going left. From here, it is possible to reach the central part of the rise where the roche moutonnée area is situated with the erratic boulders, the necropolis and the areas that are more intensely pervaded by large cracks.
Although the latter two preferential observation points have been identified, there are erratic boulders and cracks throughout the area and therefore moving observation is required.

We recommend that you visit this site at sunset.

Monument to the Partisans of Trois-Villes

Panoramic points  -  Quart

The hamlet of Trois-Villes, in the municipality of Quart, stands at about 1,400 metres above sea level and offers a spectacular view of the central Valley. A place that combines history and exceptional views, ideal for a walk in memory and nature.

Leave your car in the small parking lot next to the chapel, follow the asphalt road (marked by a yellow sign) and in a few minutes, on the right, you will see the statue of the partisan. From here, a comfortable path leads you to the panoramic area, where the monument stands out against the mountains telling a story of courage and sacrifice.

The area is equipped with benches and illustrated panels that indicate the names of the visible peaks. But this is not just a panoramic point: it is a place of memory of the partisan struggle in the Aosta Valley.

The church and the statue of the partisan commemorate the massacre of Trois-Villes, which took place in 1944 at the hands of the Nazis and Fascists. The fighters of the 13th Emile Chanoux Band took refuge here, but during a roundup, four partisans were killed and the villages of Porsan, Avisod and Fonteil were burned and destroyed as a reprisal.

Les Îles nature reserve

Parks and reserves  -  Brissogne

At the bottom of the central valley, a highly interesting ecological habitat

Location: on the Dora Baltea river, at Brissogne municipality.

The nature reserve extends across 35.4 hectares at an altitude between 526 - 532 meters.
The riparian mid-central valley environment, located in an area formerly occupied by a bend in the Dora Baltea river, is characterised by two quarry lakes with mainly naturally re-populated shores.
The reserve is the most important regional stop over and feeding ground for migratory birds. Many species also nest here. The reserve is home to amphibians, reptiles and, in the lake waters, tenches and pikes.
The vegetation, representative of the ancient riparian landscape now receded from almost the entire valley, is made up of marsh cane, reeds, sedge and a few prominent plants such as the Dwarf bulrush.

How to get there
From Aosta, follow State road 26 towards Turin and turn right at the Brissogne bridge. Go on walking along the Dora Baltea river, until you’ll reach the reserve entry, indicated by an explanatory board.