Sport Itineraries: Valpelline

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Montcorvé - Col de l'Arpeyssaou

One-day excursions  -  Valpelline

After reaching the hamlet of Montcorvé along the road that goes from Valpelline to the cemetery, take route 6A on the the right a few metres after the residential area. This route joins trail 6 on its way from the valley and then leads to Verdignolettaz. From here, continue along the dirt road for a few metres up to Chez-Charvin. Again, the path takes you to Alpe Curtellet and Verdignolaz. After this village, you soon come to a crossroad with itinerary 105 from Col de Fouillou. Take this route on the left, which leads first to Alpe Arpeyssaou and then to the La Lliée bivouac, from where you soon come to Col de l’Arpeyssaou.

Prailles - La Fabrique

One-day excursions  -  Valpelline

Leave your car in the parking in Prailles. After crossing the bridge, turn right and access the lawn used for popular sports. Follow the direction of the stream keeping to the right of the large lawn. Arrived at a wooden bridge (not to be crossed) the path continues on a dirt road along the stream until it reaches the main road. The return is on the same route however it is possible to make a small deviation by following the signs for the ru Pompillard, a covered canal that from Valpelline brings the waters for irrigation to Saint-Christophe. In this case, when you return, turn onto an uphill dirt road that joins another dirt road and turn left (on the right the road is closed by a metal gate). This section is interesting because it passes near the old copper foundry and several illustrated panels provide information on the factory and the rû. With very little difference in height, you return to Prailles.

Valpelline - Billiouque

One-day excursions  -  Valpelline

In the square in Valpelline take the road that runs along the cemetery and goes under the hydroelectric power station, and reaches the bridge over the Buthier. Cross it and take route 5 as far as a dirt road. When you get to a crossroad before the residential area of Ranchéaz, turn right onto the road that leads to the pasture of Grangette Désot. Before the houses in this hamlet, take the path on the right, then continue in the same direction, ignoring the mule track to Grangette Damon, and continue until you get to Billiouc Damon and then Billiouc Désot.

Valpelline - Col di Viou - Becca di Viou

One-day excursions  -  Valpelline

In the square in Valpelline take the road that runs along the cemetery and goes under the hydroelectric power station, and reaches the bridge over the Buthier. Cross the stream and take itinerary 5 as far as Ronchéaz. After the residential area, go up towards Alpe Planes. Take the dirt road that you meet just before Alpe Planes. Leave this dirt road when you come to a sharp bend just after the houses. Cross the stream and go up to Alpe Verney, Alpe Arpisson and Porillon-Alpe Neuve, occasionally crossing over the dirt road. From here, continue along the road until you come to Fouillou mountain pasture. Keep on to the right along itinerary 105, on the plateau near a waterfall (sometimes dry). The path goes upwards leading onto Lac d’Arpisson and then turn right to the mountain pass and the bivouac Penne Nere.
At this point, veer right to reach the summit.

Valpelline - Verdignolettaz pasture

One-day excursions  -  Valpelline

In the square in Valpelline take the road that runs along the cemetery and goes under the hydroelectric power station, and reaches the bridge over the Buthier. Cross the stream and take itinerary 5 as far as Ronchéaz. After the residential area, go up towards Alpe Planes. Take the dirt road that you meet just before Alpe Planes. Abandon the road at a sharp bend just after the houses. Cross the stream and go up to Alpe Verney (1730 m ). Take route 7 on the left then continue into the woods, where you will catch sight of Novailloz (1774 m) and then descend to Verdignolettaz (1385 m), after taking the dirt road at the houses in Chez-Charvin.

MOTOTOUR - Aosta - Bionaz - Place Moulin Dam

Motorcycling  -  Aosta

From Aosta, the regional capital, to the territory of the municipality of Bionaz, passing through the villages of Valpelline and Oyace.

Before heading North and entering Valpelline, allow yourself a few hours to visit Aosta. You will discover that it is truly worth the effort and you will head out again with only one thought: to come back soon!
Park your motorbike next to the Arch of Augustus, a symbolic monument of Aosta built in 25 BC, the year the city was founded. A few steps in the historical centre and you arrive at the Porta Praetoria, the Roman Theatre, the Forum… And then the Cathedral, the Church of Sant’Orso, the San Lorenzo basilica, Piazza Chanoux. But that’s not all. You can immerse yourself in the ancient streets of the city, go shopping in the elegant shops of the pedestrian area, enjoy the pleasure of a typical restaurant and visit the exclusive local craft shops. Enough for now, however. Valpelline awaits you!

You’ll really enjoy the unique atmosphere of this valley. Quiet and little-travelled roads, a captivating setting, dominated by the imposing peaks that mark the border with Switzerland, thick forests and inviting meadows, ideal for a nice stop. The gastronomic culture is also very lively, with the “Seupa à la Vapelenentse” and, naturally, Fontina cheese, to which the large festival held annually in mid-August at Oyace is dedicated. A whole wheel of cheese, in the hard luggage, maybe not. But a chunk, yes. A nice piece of Fontina to enjoy in the evening or perhaps to melt down for a substantial fondue. So take a small detour, shortly after the capital village of Valpelline, to the visitor centre of the Cooperativa Produttori Latte e Fontina. The visit to the centre also includes the spectacular Fontina maturing warehouses dug into the rock, one of which was created inside the ancient copper mine and where the Fontina remains for 80 days and takes on its sweet and inimitable taste.

Bionaz, one of the municipalities with the largest territorial extension in the region, is located at 1600 metres above sea level at the head of  the Valpelline valley. For a different stop than usual, you can stop at the Lexert picnic area, surrounded by greenery, on the banks of a pretty lake. The road continues further between curves and green panoramas until reaching the imposing Place Moulin dam: the vast lake of Place Moulin, with emerald waters, is flanked by a dirt farm road closed to traffic.