Sport Itineraries: Morgex

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Hans Marguerettaz rock climbing wall

Climbing walls  -  Morgex

Wall ascent: Follow the forest path up to a fork. Keep to your right and, near the stream, the road ends and a path starts to the base of the first routes.

The Kirriaz wall, called the Hans Marguerettaz wall, is dedicated to talented alpine guide from Courmayeur who met a premature end during a glider flight. A climber from Valle d’Aosta, Stefano Zilio, began bolting the more challenging routes. Later, the town decided to have alpine guide, Andrea Plat, anchor the route, cleaning the wall of unstable boulders and bolting the routes on the children’s ledges.
The activity requires technical experience. Alpine guide assistance is recommended.

Descent: Stops include chains and belays or Munter hitches. Climbers are either belayed down or abseil on longer routes.

Minimum, maximum and average route difficulty from 3c to 7c, average 6a.

Total number of routes: 60

Average length is 25 meters with a minimum of 12 and maximum of 80 meters.

Ciclotour: Morgex - Colle San Carlo - La Thuile - Morgex

Cycling  -  Morgex

Da Morgex si seguono le indicazioni per il colle San Carlo – lago d’Arpy. In dieci km si sale di ciirca 1000 metri con una pendenza media del 10%.  Da qui, si rifiata e ci si gode il paesaggio nella discesa verso La Thuile, nota località turistica situata sulla strada che, tramite il valico del Piccolo San Bernardo, porta in Francia. Giunti a Pré-Saint-Didier, località nota per le sue terme,  si chiude il giro ad anello riguadagnando Morgex dove si producono pregiati vini bianchi.

Ciclotour: Morgex - giro della Valdigne - Morgex

Cycling  -  Morgex

Percorso di una trentina di chilometri (andata e ritorno) nella Valdigne, nell’area turistica del Monte Bianco. Si pedala senza troppo dislivello lungo un itinerario ad anello con partenza da Morgex. Dopo aver raggiunto La Salle si passa da Derby, villaggio ricco di storia con una interessante chiesa. Sa qui il percorso vira e ritorna a La Salle lungo una strada diversa. Poi si pedala verso Pré-Saint-Didier e si prosegue per Courmayeur, famosa ed elegante stazione turistica, da cui si rientra a Pré-Saint-Didier e poi a Morgex.

Ciclotour: Morgex - Planaval - La Salle - Morgex

Cycling  -  Morgex

Da Morgex si raggiunge la frazione di La Ruine e poi a La Salle da cui si sale al villaggio di Challancin. Dopo una brevissima discesa si arriva a Cheverel (1487 m) da cui ha inizio la salita per Planaval. Da qui in discesa si ritorna a La Salle e, passando per Le Pont, a Morgex.

Cyclotour: Morgex-La Salle cycle and pedestrian path

Cycling  -  Morgex

The route, which has a difference in altitude of 38 meters and a maximum gradient of 28%, starts from the Pautex village (Morgex), where you can admire some examples of rural architecture, the community oven and a fountain with very fresh water that allows you to fill water bottles, and arrives at the hamlet of Le Pont (La Salle).

It runs along the Dora Baltea until it reaches the Marais Nature Reserve, where it is possible to spot various species of aquatic birds during the migratory seasons, in spring and autumn.
To facilitate sightings, observation huts have been created within the area, suitable for the different heights of children and adults.

Arpy - Gubelin

One-day excursions  -  Morgex

After the parking near to the board Arpy, take the asphalt road for 50 mt. and turn on the left following a dirt road which becomes a path and crosses the bridge over the stream. Going up, go across Jaccod Village and you reache the wood.
After 50 mt. in the wood, the path crosses a dirt road which follows the old route of the railway.
From the 20’s the railway brought the coal to Morgex by cableway. The flat road develops in the wood, raising up softly and comes down on the left until reaching a charming clearing with some chalets. That’s Gubelin. The itinerary for coming back is the same.

Colle San Carlo - Lac d'Arpy

One-day excursions  -  Morgex

When you reach Col San Carlo you take the un-made road marked no. 15 opposite the Genzianella restaurant which goes uphill and widens as it goes through a wood with fir and larch trees and takes you on to Lac d’Arpy.

From the back of the Genzianella restaurant you can also take a short walk suitable for everyone which takes you to the observation point near Tête d’Arpy with marvellous views over the Mont Blanc range and Valdigne. Since it is only a short walk taking about 25 minutes each way, this route can be done together with the walk to Lac d’Arpy.


Colle San Carlo - Lago d'Arpy - Colle della Croce - Colle San Carlo

One-day excursions  -  Morgex

Don’t miss the vast panorama from Col Croce and the beautiful Lac d’Arpy.
When you reach Col San Carlo (6 Km from La Thuile), park the car and take the dirt road in front of Genzianella restaurant, signposted 15 and which leads to Lac d’Arpy. At the lakeside walk along the left bank (orographic left) until you reach a crossroad, where you leave route 15 on the left, which leads to Pietra Rossa lake, and continue a further few dozen metres along the dirt road, then take route 17 on the right, which goes up inside the d’Arpy valley until it reaches the ruins of the Brunet Shelter and the grassy saddle of Col Croce. From here, after the few metres that separate the hill from the remains of the shelter, take route 16 which cuts across the slopes of Punta della Croce, and leads down to the dirt road from Col San Carlo. From here you soon return to the point of departure.

Colle San Carlo - Tête d'Arpy - Belvedere

One-day excursions  -  Morgex

After having parked the car near to Hotel Genzianella , follow the dirt road behind the hotel which raises softly into a wood of conifers. After reached the pic-nic area on the right , proceeding, you reach another detour, where on the left, you can reach Belvedere with a gorgeous view on Mont Blanc chain, whilst, on the right you get to Tête d’Arpy.

Pietra Rossa lake

One-day excursions  -  Morgex

When you get to Col San Carlo, take the dirt road opposite Hotel Genzianella, signposted 15, which winds gently upwards inside the mixed beech and larch woods to reach Lac d’Arpy. Go along the left orographic bank and continue along route 15, which goes off to left of the dirt road and crosses the stream to the right orographic bank. At the end of the Arpy plain, the path starts to go up until it reaches the shores of Lake Pietra Rossa.

Villair - Châtelard castle

One-day excursions  -  Morgex

From the hamlet of Villair in Morgex, turn into a path which crosses the bridge over Colomba stream and go up along a steep paved muletrack.
The level road continues on a hardwood forest towards the village of La Salle for about 200 mt. then, from here, a deviation to the left leads to the mule track which goes over some vineyards and join a path.
The route continues along a short stretch of forest untill reaching an agricultural road. From here continuing you reach the village of Château from where you can admire the remains of Châtelard castle: the cylindric tower of 18 mt and some traces of the walls.
The view is gorgeous because it sweeps through Valdigne and Mont Blanc.

Villair - Col de Licony

One-day excursions  -  Morgex

When you get to Villair, in the municipality of Morgex, take route 4 which takes you mainly along the dirt road which is closed to traffic and leads to the villages of Fenêtre, Plan-Champ and Chanton. A later beyond this point and just before crossing the stream, take the path on the left that goes up to Licony. From here continue on route 4, which goes into the valley of Licony, initially with a change in altitude taking you up to the plateau with Lac Licony. Walk past the lake and cross the plateau. Next go up to Col de Licony, where you turn left to go up the debris slopes of Testa Licony up to the crest. Continue on the right, and in no time you come to the Pascal bivouac.

MOTOTOUR - Morgex – Little Saint Bernard (Round Trip)

Motorcycling  -  Morgex

There is a mysterious and striking ambiance, around the cromlech or Hannibal’s Circle, on Little Saint Bernard. A large circle of stones planted in the ground, one of the rare megalithic circles existing in Italy. Turn off the engine, approach these stones and let yourself be guided on a journey back in time… Place of worship? Trail marker? Calendar? Primitive astrological observatory? Today it is still a mystery.
But on the Pass, beyond the dolmen, you find other important historic relics. Starting from the remains of the Roman mansio, large building on the ancient Road of the Gauls, and the adjacent temple that you see to the right, just beyond the former Italian customs. Continuing on, after the French customs, another Roman construction, possibly a sanctuary, and the the ancient Jovis Column, which originally held up the bust of Jupiter and today forms the base of the Saint Bernard statue.
Lastly, the Hospice, instituted around the year 1000 at Saint Bernard to welcome travellers, today a tourist information point. But that’s not all. Before returning to the valley, don’t miss Chanousia, a short distance from the Hospice: The celebrated botanical garden created by Abbott Abate Chanoux at the end of the 19th century, that today houses more than 1,600 species of alpine plants, a scientific laboratory and a botanical museum.

Delicately perfumed, with undertones of mountain herbs, dry taste, slightly acidic, lightly fizzy. If you are passionate about wine you are already acquainted with it, if you’ve never tasted it, you’re going to fall in love. It is the refined P.D.O. wine Blanc de Morgex et La Salle, the wine of Valdigne, produced by vineyards at the highest elevations in Europe. Want to bring a bottle home? Stop at the Cave Mont Blanc in Morgex.

MOTOTOUR - Morgex – Val Veny and Val Ferret (Round Trip)

Motorcycling  -  Morgex

Just a few Km after Courmayeur you encounter Entrèves, characteristic village. If you think the landscape has been amazing until now, prepare yourself: From here on will leave you literally open-mouthed. Here we have two marvellous valleys, which more or less join to form a single immense shelf in the Mont Blanc group of mountains.

The peaks of the mountain range display themselves in all their majesty: The Grandes Jorasses, the Giant’s Tooth, Mont Maudit, the Aiguilles Blanches and Noires, Helbronner Peak, the Tré-Ia-Tète, Aiguilles des Glaciers, up to the 4,810 metres of the Mont Blanc peak. It seems like you can touch them, driving the two splendid roads that travel up through the valley.

But if you want to try a truly unforgettable experience, enjoy a breathtaking climb on Skyway Mont Blanc cable-car: A stop at the intermediate Pavillon station to discover the Saussurea Alpine Botanical Garden, the highest in Europe, and then on…up to the 3,466 metres t of Point Helbronner, magnificent terrace on the glaciers.

Here, considering the temperatures, motorcycling outfits will be particularly useful

San Carlo Pass – Arpy Lake

Mountain Bike  -  Morgex

Technical difficulty: easy
Physical difficulty: easy
Type of route: dirt road

Take the State Road no. 26 until Morgex or the A5 Motorway and the Morgex exit.

The farm track that leads to Col Croce and Arpy Lake sets off from Col San Carlo (1951 m) that can be found on the road that connects Morgex to La Thuile near Hôtel Genzianella. Continue along the same road, following the directions for the lake. On reaching the lake, the view over the Mont Blanc range is spectacular. Return along the same path as the outwards journey.

Colle della Croce

Snowshoe  -  Morgex

From the parking lot, follow the signs for Lake d’Arpy. Enter the fir woods to the fork between paths 15 and 16: continue on the summer path 15 to the left to Lake d’Arpy.
Continue around the snow-covered lake on the right, starting to climb through the sparse larch wood. Follow any marking you find to the first rather steep peak. This leads to a delightful plain where you can see your final destination. Cross it, switching-back to take in all the pleasures of this winter hike, until you reach the last peak before the hill. Climb the bends in the ridge to the fortifications, usually covered in snow: a last push and you’re finally at the Col de la Croix.

The route should only be taken in the spring and in stable snow conditions.

Mont Colmet

Ski mountaineering  -  Morgex

From Arpy, follow the cross-country track in the same direction, keeping to the right. Follow the road for a bit and then the path which, after a last steep climb, leads to Lake Arpy. Follow the lake shores to the second plateau: here you have two alternative - climb to the right and cross a steep segment to the left, or climb the groove to the left of the waterfall.
Climb the upper peaks to Lake Pietra Rossa. From the lake, continue to your right going around the ridge of rocks. Then take the slope on the right which leads to the hill where the you will find the Chabloz refuge. Cross the last part on foot, heading South.
Descent down the upward itinerary.

Lago di Pietra Rossa (Pietra Rossa Lake) equipped trail

Via ferrata  -  Morgex

From the parking area you reach a clearly marked dirt road located near the fountain. Follow this rut towards the left, marked by yellow signs (trail marker 15). The road goes up in the woods where there are also some larch trees. You then reach a fork in the road. Go to the left (yellow trail marker and wooden sign). Continue until you come to another fork in the road. The dirt road continues along the hillside with benches placed here and there. You then reach a beautiful fountain and, after another small ramp towards the left, you reach d’Arpy lake.
You continue on the path on the right side (hydrographic left) reaching another little lake, an uptake of the first one. You continue on a smooth trail to the left that becomes steeper with every step (leaving the faraway dirt road to the right) coasting a rocky bar to the left. You reach a detrital clearing to the left of the d’Arpy river and continue towards various waterfalls, encountering the trail markers on the rocks (15, 19). Therefore you continue on trail marked steps that take to the first level and continue towards the right, then again onto steep ground, recently made with rocky steps and in some parts with very old metal material. The descent is smooth from the slope.

Via ferrata Hans Marguettaz

Via ferrata  -  Morgex

From the sign “palestra di roccia Hans Marguettaz” take the dirt road that enters the woods. Continue on the road that bends twice until you come to a fork. Go to the right, on a sloping plain, until you reach a wooden bridge. The cartway becomes a trail and continues to go round all the areas of the cliff with a few steep parts. Dopo aver circumnavigato l’area in senso antiorario si raggiunge quindi un cartello che indica a sinistra la zona creata per rocciatori bambini ed a destra l’attacco della ferrata. After having circumnavigated the area in a counterclockwise way you reach the sign that indicates, to the left, an area created for rock-climbing children and, to the right, the ferrata’s fastenings. Continue until you find the first wires close to the ledges to the left at 1300 meters. Cross a little to the left and go up a red ladder with surrounding safety fencing for your back (there aren’t any wires). You pass the second red ladder to the right and go to the left. Pass a few granite ramps and an overhang of about ten meters. Proceed to the right on an ascending inclined ledge of about forty meters. Fasten yourself to a dihedral of about 3 meters with footholds and cross to the left on metal footholds. (ATTENTION: do not go to the right on the hand holds. They are misleading and must be left out). You reach a clearing with a beautiful view that apparently does not lead anywhere. To go back down you can follow the trail backwards (recommended). You can also cross the final clearing to the left. It is also possible to cross over the small plaque but you must be very careful. You enter woods that do not have any tracks towards the right, going uphill. You will notice a few wires that are used to breech a few unstable rocks. You continue uphill until you come out onto a few clearings. Skirt along the clearings to the left in view of a house (frazione Kirriaz 1402 m). You will find a dirt road that follows a sloping plain towards the left until you come to SR39 (state road 39) that, in 2 km downhill, will take you back to the parking area.
To safely cross the ferrata we recommend that you be accompanied by a mountain guide.

“Tsanta Merla” short walk between La Salle and Morgex

One-day excursions  -  La Salle

From via Chanoux and, following the signpost of the Cammino Balteo hiking trail, you leave the capital village of La Salle. After crossing the road that leads to the hills, the walk continues on a flat paved road.
At Croix des Pres, near the chapel of Notre Dame de La Guerison, follow the small road to the left which in a few metres leads to the beginning of the “Tsanta Merla” path, following the trail markers of the Cammino Balteo (stage 14 – La Salle-Avise).

On the right, looking up, you can see the Châtelard castle tower.

Arrived at a crossroads, continue straight. Here among colored mushrooms, elves, owls and hearts make their appearance.

The walk, with a compact surface, is about 1.5 km long and reaches the hamlets of Villair and La Ruine Alta, in the municipality of Morgex. It has a beautiful panoramic view and in summer it is advisable to walk it in the coolest hours of the day. To go down to the hamlet of Villair there is a very steep descent, which cannot be covered with pushchairs (it is therefore preferable to head towards La Ruine Alta).

The stretch accessible to wheelchair users ends at the first crossroads, at the path indicated with the yellow trail number 5A towards Château de Châtelard.