Services: Valsavarenche

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Gran Paradiso National Park visitors centre - "Water and Biodiversity"

Parks and reserves  -  Valsavarenche

The Visitors Centre Water and Biodiversity in Rovenaud is dedicated to scientific research and environmental education about the preservation of watery ecosystems and of otters.

The centre, in a well-preserved ecosystem, hosts a nice exhibition and proposes visit routes inside and outside, with videos and aquaria in order to be truly ‘immersed’ in a part of the Park where everything is connected with water.

This section of the Park hosts some otters in partial freedom. Once this species was free and present here, but today it almost disappeared because of persecutions and environmental transformations made by men.

Otters, being at the top of the food chain, is the symbol of the problems linked to the preservation of watery environments.

Thus, the visit to the centre outlines the importance of preservation and of the balance between men and environment.

    (+39) 0118606233

Gran Paradiso National Park visitors centre - "Wolf space" and "Lynx Museum"

Parks and reserves  -  Valsavarenche

The visitor centre for lovers of the oldest Park in Italy is situated in Dégioz, near the splendid parish church. A meeting point for tourists, the small information centre also houses areas dedicated to two animals who seem to be repopulating this land: the lynx and the wolf.

The Lynx Museum
“It is dusk in the forest. As always, the survival instinct drives the search for food. The lynx’s senses are on alert, leaves camouflage it as it lies in waiting…”
Predators are territorial animals, furtive and curious. It is often difficult to encounter them. Only five carnivorous predators are present in the Gran Paradiso park: from the smallest to the largest these are the weasel, the stoat, the stone marten, the pine marten and the fox. Large predators, such as the wolf and the lynx, often unjustly accused of damage to man or domestic animal, were killed off in the past.
The exhibition shows images of the Park collected by the Associazione Professionale Guide Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso in association with the Fondation Grand Paradis.

The Wolf Space
Spazio Lupo is open to the public since August 2011 inside the Gran Paradiso National Park Visitor’s Centre at Valsavarenche. This documentation centre was created by the Gran Paradiso Foundation in collaboration with the Gran Paradiso National Park to gather and provide testimonials and documents about the presence of wolves in the Park.
This is a work in progress which will develop through time and to which visitors can offer their contributions and get more familiar with this predator which has once again begun living in North-western Italy and the valleys of the Gran Paradiso National Park.
The Spazio Lupo presents two wolves, interactive films featuring the presence of wolves in the Park, interviews and a selection of texts and websites where further information can be obtained. It is also possible to develop events for first-hand experiences and a special blog on the web.

    (+39) 016575301

Thematic library Maison de la Montagne

Libraries  -  Valsavarenche

Books, vhs, cd-rom and dvd
Books regarding Aosta Valley, historical mountain specialized magazines and newspaper library
Free internet point


City police

Emergencies / Safety  -  Valsavarenche

Le bureau s'occupe des services de surveillance, de la police de la circulation et rurale, des sanctions administratives et de la sécurité publique.

    (+39) 0165.905703

Fondation Grand Paradis

Rental Sport  -  Valsavarenche

In summer, guests who uchase the Gran Paradiso Pass at the Gran Paradiso National Park Visitors Centres, may use the e-MTB to explore the Gran Paradiso area.
Booking is advised


Parcheggio Eaux Rousses

Parcheggi  -  Valsavarenche

Close to the stopover location along the Alta Via 2 (Hostellerie du Paradis). Starting point of many toures towards the Val di Rhemes (Col Entrelor) and the Valley of Cogne (Col Loson). 

Parcheggio Pont

Parcheggi  -  Valsavarenche

Point of departure for numerous hikes towards Gran Paradiso (Rifugio Vittorio Emanuele, Grand Etret, towards the Col de Nivolet,,,). Free toilets nearby. A camping ground with bar and restaurant is close by.

Parcheggio Tignet

Parcheggi  -  Valsavarenche

Disabled parking. Stop to visit the lovely villages of Nex and Tignet, Starting point of a path that connects with the Alta Via 2

Parking Rovenaud

Parcheggi  -  Valsavarenche

Disabled parking and places for buses as well. Close to the Museum of the Resistance. Leave your car here to reach the Water and Biodiversity Centre of Rovenaud (about 20 minutes' walk). 

Playground for children

Children playgrounds  -  Valsavarenche

Green walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts, climbing frames, sand play area, benches, drinking fountain, toilets (100 mt)
Open yearly


Conference room

Conference rooms  -  Valsavarenche

50 seats
vhs, dvd, computer
sound amplification


Tourist Office - Cogne

Regional tourist offices  -  Cogne

Open all year

The Cogne Tourist Office is the reference information point for the entire Gran Paradiso area. It is located in the central square of the village, opposite the Town Hall, with a spectacular view of the Sant’Orso Meadow and the Gran Paradiso chain. Not far there are large parkings and it is also accessible to prams and wheelchairs. As well as providing all the information and tools available for tourist enjoyment in the region, it offers the following services:

  • Sale of tickets for castles and archeological sites
  • Sale of tickets for Bard Fortress
  • Sale and booking of tickets for Skyway Monte Bianco cablecar
  • Sale of the Aosta Valley Card
  • Sale of hiking maps of the Aosta Valley and gadgets with the tourist logo
  • Sale of fishing licences in the Aosta Valley
  • Booking of workshops and organised activities

Opening days and hours

From November to March

  • 9.00-13.00/ 14.30-17.30
  • 25/12 closed

From April to June

  • 9.00-13.00/ 15.00-18.00

July and August

  • 9.00-13.00 / 14.00-19.00

September and October

  • 9.00-13.00/ 15.00-18.00

    (+39) 0165.74040