Services: Brusson
Municipal library
Libraries - BrussonThe library is located at the center of the village in an old renovated house and is called Museum “Maison Yontzo”.
The library has an internet point.
Registration: free, open to all.
Free loan of books, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks…
Section of adults and children, music library, video library.
IP petrol station
Petrol stations - BrussonSelf service washing
snow chains
assembly and sale rubbers diesel
Tamoil petrol station
Petrol stations - BrussonGasoline pump – car wash – tire repairer
Self-service car wash – Reservation for complete interior and exterior car wash
Forestry corps
Emergencies / Safety - BrussonThe forestry corps is responsible for following municipalities: Ayas, Brusson, Challand-Saint-Anselme.
Summer weekly market - Thursday
Weekly markets - BrussonSummer weekly market, every Thursday, from mid June to mid September.
8.30 13.30.
Mixed goods.
Market area - near the little lake.
"La Crétsa" Rental
Rental Sport - BrussonEquipment rental of mountain bikes.
Mountain bike, e-bike rental.
The rental service also carries out repair and maintenance.
There are bicycles and car seats.
School mountain bike Fausto Revil
Ski Neige Brusson Rental
Rental Sport - BrussonRental located at the intersection of Regional Road that runs through the Valle d’Ayas and the Road leading to the ski hire at the Centre and Palasinaz Fund (c / o Hotel du Foyer, places Vollon)
Equipment Rental skis downhill and cross country skiing, skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, bobsledding, tobogganing.
Service is available to repair and maintain slopes.
Ski Neige Estoul Rental
Rental Sport - BrussonRental is located in the start of the ski-Estoul-Palasinaz.
Rental equipment for downhill skiing, skiing, snowshoeing, sledding and chairs.
Adventure playground Col de Joux Street
Children playgrounds - Brussonplayground for children
green walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts, benches.
Adventure playground in the hamlet Arcesaz
Children playgrounds - Brussonplayground for children
multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts, benches, adjoining soccer field
Adventure playground in the hamlet Extrapieraz
Children playgrounds - Brussonplayground for children
green walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts, benches, adjoining soccer field
Adventure playground in the hamlet Laghetto
Children playgrounds - Brussonplayground for children
green walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts,elastic carpets, beach volley climbing frames, sand play area, benches, drinking fountain, toilets
Adventure playground in the hamlet Vollon
Children playgrounds - Brussonplayground for children
green walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, roundabouts, benches
Adventure playground near to the school
Children playgrounds - BrussonPlayground for children
green walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts, sand play area, benches.
Parco giochi gonfiabili - Laghetto4Kids
Children playgrounds - BrussonPer la gioia dei bambini nella zona Laghetto è stato allestito un parco giochi estivo con gonfiabili e sabbia.
Giochi gonfiabili: scivolo Pirata, multi gioco Dino, Aereo, Castello - Tappeti elastici: grande con 5 postazioni e piccolo con 3 postazioni - Cupola da arrampicata - Playground (multigioco con scivoli ecc) - Giochi da sabbia per i più piccoli (palette, secchielli, camioncini, ecc) e casetta Puffi e Castellino.
Sdraio e snack bar a disposizione per i clienti che accompagnano i piccoli ospiti del parco.
Attrazioni a pagamento, ticket a tempo o giornalieri
Tariffe per singolo bambino:
- mattina: € 8,00
- pomeriggio: € 8,00
- giornaliero: € 12,00
- settimanale consecutivo: € 50,00
- settimanale non consecutivo (7 ingressi non consecutivi): € 70,00
- mensile: € 160,00
- stagionale (giugno-luglio-agosto): € 250,00
- saltarelli 15 minuti: € 3,00
Per accedere ai giochi bisogna togliere le scarpe e usare i calzini (obbligatori) in vendita a € 0,50.
Aperto tutti i giorni dal 15/06/19 al 15/09/19
Aperture Weekend: 1-2, 8-9 giugno 2019 - 21-22, 28-29 settembre 2019
Post office
Places - Brusson- Monday 08:20-13:45
- Wednesday 08:20-13:45
- Friday 08:20-13:45
Check the timetables on
Consultorio - pagamento =
Health - BrussonI prelievi vengono fatti su presentazione della ricetta medica e la ricevuta dell’avvenuto pagamento del
Health - BrussonIn low season, it is closed on Wednesdays for rest.
Hours: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM, 3:30 PM - 7:30 PM
- To view the pharmacies on duty, click here
- To see the list of pharmacies, click here
Tourist Office - Brusson
Regional tourist offices - BrussonOpen all year
The Tourist Office of Brusson gives useful and personalised information about Ayas Valley and all Aosta Valley, offering the following services:
- Sale and reservation of tickets for the cablecar Skyway Monte Bianco
- Sale of Aosta Valley Card
- Sale of trekking maps of Aosta Valley and gadgets with the touristic logo*
- Reservation of workshops and organised activities
Opening days and hours
From 8th December to April
- 9.30-12.30 /14.30-17.30
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: closed
Christmas holidays: from 26/12 to 08/01 open every day 9.00-12.30/14.30-18.00 - 25/12 closed
- 9.00-12.00 /14.30-17.30
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: closed
- 9.00-12.30 /14.30-18.00
- Tuesday and Wednesday: closed
July and August
- 9.00-12.30 /14.30-18.00
- 9.00-12.30 /14.30-18.00
- Tuesday and Wednesday: closed
- Friday 13th September, closed in the afternoon
- 9.00-12.00/14.30-17.30
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: closed
- 31/10 open
From November to 7th December
- 9.00- 12.00 /14.30-17.30
- Open: Friday, Saturday and Sunday