Nature: Arvier, Avise, Introd, Saint-Nicolas, ** Valle d'Aosta **

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The big bench in Arvier

Panoramic points  -  Arvier

Big Bench no. 178 installed near the hamlet Verney, makes it possible for you to enjoy a breathtaking view of the upper Valle d’Aosta, admiring Mont Blanc, perfectly centered between the sides of the main valley, and the imposing glacier of Château Blanc spreading along mount Rutor.
The wide-ranging view also extends to Monte Emilius and Becca di Nona (behind the bench) and to Becca del Merlo at the entrance to Valgrisenche opposite Rutor (on the left side of the bench).

In order to reach the installation, it is necessary to park in the administrative center of Arvier near the church and the green area.
Starting from the drinking fountain at the church, special signs guide visitors through the hamlets of Chez-Les-Fournier, Chez-Les-Moget, and La Crête, then climbing on up towards Verney.
After a stretch of farm road, you take the old mill path which runs along the stream up to the hamlet of Verney.

At this point, you come across stage no. 15 of the Cammino Balteo (signpost no.3 in a triangle with the vertex downwards) which you travel along for about fifty meters before you come across the big bench.

The walk lasts about 30 minutes and, after stopping to visit the bench, it is possible to eat and drink at Arvier commercial activities that provide the official stamps and passports of the Big Bench circuit.

"Parc Animalier" fauna park

Botanical, geological and naturalistic gardens  -  Introd

Animals, plants and flowers, all starring at the Parc Animalier d’Introd… All visitors have to do is walk, watch and….naturally observe! The Parc Animalier is dedicated to those who want to experience the mountain habitat, comparing its ecosystems in a short period of time. Families are ideal Park visitors since the park respects and conserves animals typical of the alpine region like the ibex, chamois, woodchuck, various birds of prey and a multicoloured flora.

Dogs, although they cannot walk off their leashes in the Park, are welcome guests to the specific dog areas.

(+39) 0165.95982
(+39) 334.7955000

Lago di Joux

Lakes / waterfalls  -  Saint-Nicolas

Partendo dal capoluogo di Saint-Nicolas percorrere in auto circa 8 Km seguendo le indicazioni per Vens. Arrivati nel villaggio di Vens è necessario parcheggiare l’auto e proseguire a piedi seguendo due percorsi alternativi:

  • seguire la strada asfaltata, che con una lieve pendenza ed un percorso leggermente più lungo consente di raggiungere il lago. Questa soluzione è facilmente percorribile anche con un bambino sul passeggino (2 Km- 40 minuti);
  • seguire il sentiero che dall’abitato di Vens porta direttamente al lago (sul tracciato del Cammino Balteo). Il percorso è a tratti ripido ma complessivamente più breve (25 minuti).