How to get here

Morgex highway exit. Climb to Pré-Saint-Didier and turn left to La Thuile. Follow SR39 to Colle San Carlo: after about one hundred meters, turn right on the road that leads to the Arly, Villaret and Pierre Carrée hamlets: you can leave your car after the last hamlet.

Description of the route

You’ll find a fork with a signpost in Pierre Carrée (Pera Carà): follow the directions for Crétaz, path 2b, walking a short way along a paved road. Passing near a panel indicating the winter route, you’ll find a sign that prohibits road traffic where you can put on your snow shoes. Climb the snow-covered slope into the larch and red fir woods. There are some signs along the route that explain some aspects of winter hiking: from nature to safety ones. Climb the slope in a long series of turns that reduce the gradient. You’ll slowly exit the woods to a plain where the houses of Villaret are located. Just beyond you’ll find a wide turn to the left to a straightaway that leads to the small village of Cretaz.