Description of the route

Mont Pancherot is one of the best panoramic viewpoints in the whole of Valtournenche. As you stand on the top, the view sweeps from Cervino to Mont Rosa up and down the valley. When you get to the hamlet of Perrères (within the municipality of Valtournenche, 4 km before getting to Breuil-Cervinia), leave the car in the car park and take the private road (trail sign 8) which crosses the Marmore stream. Cross it, and ignoring the sloping path going up to the pastures, take trail 107 on the right that goes up to meet the private road that you left beforehand and continue along it for a few hundred metres until you get to Olucs. From here, the trail rises in long diagonal slopes, and goes through Grillon, Tsa de Grillon and Colle Finestra di Cignana. Now follow route 7 on the left (sections of which are rather exposed), which goes up the steep grassy slopes of the western side, and leads to the highest peak of Mont Pancherot, near which you will also find the Giuseppe Osella forest bivouac.