Saison Culturelle Music - Concert Adn Baroque
Resorts: Aosta
Teatro Splendor
Tuesday 18 April 2023
ore 20:30
€ 15.00
€ 10.00
I biglietti ridotti sono riservati:
- ai giovani fino a 30 anni;
- a coloro che hanno più di 65 anni;
- all’accompagnatore del soggetto diversamente abile;
- limitatamente agli spettacoli francofoni, a tutti gli iscritti all’Alliance Française pour la Vallée d’Aoste.
The countertenor Théophile Alexandre and the pianist Guillaume Vincent play together in piano-voice and piano-dance. Double graduate in lyrical singing & dance from the Lyon Conservatory, the countertenor is one of the rare artists in the world who masters these two arts and dares to intertwine them.
- On sale from November 2
- A modern human tale
- Show of the 38th edition of the Cultural Season
On the program music by: Handel, Purcell, Porpora, Vivaldi, Scarlatti and Bach.