Sport Itineraries: Emarèse

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Erésaz - Borna da ghiasa

One-day excursions  -  Emarèse

After parking the car near the centro studi Abbé Trèves, you can walk up a few tens of meters on a paved road until a pannel indicating the site; then you follow the track n. 6 which crosses some meadows until you get to a small bridge, after which to continue diagonally to the right and then go into a beautiful forest until reaching the destination, after twenty minutes.
The view from up here is beautiful.

It is recommended not to go inside, due to the risk of possible collapses.

Erésaz - Tête de Comagne

One-day excursions  -  Emarèse

From Erésaz, a hamlet in the municipality of Emarèse, take trail no. 1 near the church, which goes up to meet the regional road. Cross this, then continue towards the right on the mule track which, after crossing the paved road twice, takes you to Chassan. Here the trail goes along the internal road network towards the village then returns to the mule track at the top of the residential area. The itinerary rises steeply close to a canal, where the trail continues in a straight line. After going up a slope scattered with larch trees, you come to Sommarése. Now, go along the regional road for about 100m on the right, then, near the municipal car park, take a small road on the left signposted 5. After reaching the chapel, take the mule track on the right, which after a short while meets the private road from Col de Joux and later becomes a dirt road near a cabin. Continue along this road until you go past a meadow and, after leaving the cart track leading to an irrigated basin, continue straight ahead along the path that goes into the wood, crosses a dirt road, is joined by trail no. 1B from Col du Joux and leads to the crest, taking you to Testa di Comagna.

Testa di Comagna Excursion

Mountain Bike  -  Challand-Saint-Victor

Technical difficulty: medium/difficult
Physical difficulty: medium
Bike-friendly: 100%
Type of route: mixed asphalt, dirt, path

Brusson (1332 metres above sea level) can be reached by taking the Verrès motorway exit on the Regional Road no. 45. After 16 km you come to Brusson where the itinerary starts.

Leave from Brusson and turn towards Ayas. On reaching the crossroads for col de Joux, veer to the left and start the ascent, following the col de Joux Regional Road no. 33 that takes you to the hill at an altitude of 1640 metres above sea level. The ascent which is a bit monotonous due to the asphalt is particularly appreciated in summer when you can recover from the heat by passing through the centuries-old spruce grove before reaching the hill. Before arriving at col de Joux you can drink and replenish your water supplies at the Napoleon fountain where it is said that the leader stopped to quench his thirst with his troops on his way to the Alps. After reaching col de Joux (6.90 km) turn to the left and follow a clear stretch of a farm road that first runs along an irrigation canal. After a few kilometres you reach Sommarèse (1536 metres above sea level – 10.70 km). From Sommarèse you can descend or alternatively, on coming to the last house, more expert excursionists can turn left and follow an extremely fun single track that leads to Eresa (1166 metres above sea level). Those who want to follow a single track, located in the centre of the village can turn left and continue towards the col d’Arlaz (1040 m). On reaching the canal (15.90 km) turn left and then continue alongside the canal. Those who have followed the road leading to Emarèse (995 metres above sea level) should then turn left and follow the service farm track of the irrigation canal called Ru d’Arla in order to reach the col d’Arlaz (1040 metres above sea level). On arrival at the hill, turn left and follow the irrigation canal, after around 1 km passing a beautiful waterfall before reaching Orbillaz (1116 metres above sea level), hamlet of Challand-Saint-Anselme. Leaving from the village, before descending (18.60 km) turn left and continue to run along the canal, following a gentle farm track that takes you back to Brusson. Just 2.5 km after the Arcesaz village (1155 metres above sea level) you can find a steep climb, along just a few hundred metres. Passing by the forest nursery, cross the bridge in order to get to the meadows overlooking the Brusson village.

Zerbion Cycle Route

Mountain Bike  -  Châtillon

Technical difficulty: medium
Physical difficulty: medium
Cyclability: 100%
Type of route: mixed asphalt, dirt road, path

The "Ciclovia dello Zerbion" mountain bike or e-bike route winds along paths, country roads, forest tracks and the characteristic ru, ancient irrigation channels. It connects the high-altitude panoramas to the valley villages of Saint-Vincent and Châtillon, with refreshment points along the way for a break.

Start from the Promiod hamlet of Châtillon, at 1,521 metres above sea level. You start pedaling, reaching, after about 3.5 km, the highest point of the route at 1,773 metres. You then descend towards the village of Perrière, then climb back up towards Amay and reach the panoramic Col di Joux.
From here, descend towards Sommarèse and Eresaz. If you have time, take a short detour and walk to the geosite “Borna da ghiasa,” a cavity in the rock from which a constant flow of cold air blows.

Continue towards Emarèse, and from there descend to Saint-Vincent. Pedal through the town, passing by the parish church and the archaeological site below and near the tourist office.

Finally, head towards Châtillon, where your mountain bike ride ends at the train station, with the satisfaction of having admired, along the way, enchanting views and traditional villages.

Ciclotour: Brusson - Col de Joux - Col Tzecore - Brusson

Cycling  -  Brusson

Da Brusson si raggiunge lo splendido Col di Joux che regala splendidi panorami. Da qui si scende verso Saint-Vincent e si risale verso il capoluogo di Emarèse. In cima alla strada per il Col Tzecore c'è un area pic-nic con fontane. Dal colle parte poi la ripida discesa verso Challand-Saint-Ansèlme da cui si risale gradulamente verso Brusson.