Rental Sport: Courmayeur

20 Results
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4810 Ski Rental and sport equipment

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Opening times: 8am-6.30pm
Rental shop: Alpine, snowboard, snowblade, snowshoes, ski boots, bobs, ski touring, freeride, alpinism, ice climbing. Deposit with lockers and sport goods sale.


E-bike rental and mountain bike rental for adults and children.
In July and August open all day long.



Following the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the project "Skiing for all abilities" was as follows:

  • The main entrance is guaranteed by an adequate laying of the external pavement that with a slight slope near the opening reaches the internal share of the floor floor.
  • The entrance on the side "cabins" it is also connected with a ramp consisting of stone slab flooring whose cemented joints do not create grooves such as to allow easy transit by person with wheel chair. The warehouses and shelves in the basement can be reached by lift.
  • The toilets for customers are accessible by lift and are provided with the appropriate aids and maneuvering spaces for the use of the same by person with wheel chair, the paths to reach the aforementioned toilets are in compliance with the required operating spaces.
(+39) 0165843749

"4810 sport" Mtb rental shop

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

E-bike rental and mountain bike rental for adults and children.
Rental of via ferrata kits, mountaineering, trekking strollers, baby carriers. In July and August open all day long.

(+39) .0165844631

"Courmaebike" rental

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Ebike rental and sale: Specialized e.MTB Full. Bike shuttle and garage. Equipment given: helmet, padlock, hole kit. Children’s chariots rental.

Summer opening from 7th June to 30th September 2024


E-bike sharing service

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

The e-bike sharing service will run until Sunday 29th  September 2024, included.


The city e-bike sharing service has been created to encourage and promote alternative and sustainable mobility within Courmayeur and its hamlets.
City e-bikes are divided into inductive charging cyclostations and have been installed in the following hamlets:

  • Piazza Brocherel - Courmayeur 6 city e-bike
  • Strada Regionale 4, Dolonne hamlet
  • Via Mont Chétif 4 city e-bike
  • Villair Superiore hamlet - Strada Plan Gorret 4 city e-bike
  • La Saxe hamlet - Strada La Montoux 2 city e-bike
  • Entrèves hamlet - Strada della Brenva 4 city e-bike
  • Frazione La Palud 4

The service is accessible by downloading the dedicated Courmayeur e-bike sharing app or by scanning the QR code on the information medium in the bicycle basket. The use of city e-bikes on forest roads is not allowed.

(+39) .0165841612

"Lo Chalet Shopping" Rental

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Rental shop:

  • downhill
  • snowshoes
  • ski clothes
  • ski alp

In Summer rental of:

  • mtb
  • ebike
  • bike for children from 3 years old or 6 years old.

Also sale of clothing, footwear, accessories for winter and summer.


Rental shop "Alpineve"

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Skis, snowboards, ski boots rental shops. For adults and kids, too. Deposit with lockers. Room for repairing skis, sport goods sale.


Rental shop "Club des Sports"

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Rental shop, deposit, assistence, solarium. Mountain bikes rental, Electrical Montain bike and fat bikes, too. Cross-country, bob, sledges, snowshoes rental. Ski repairing.

Winter and Summer opening times: 9am-5pm.

(+39) 016589570

Rental shop " Nolo Courma"

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Rental and storage of skis, snowboards, snow blades, sledges and bobs. Rental of clothes for ski.
Sports wear sale. Assistance.


Rental shop "Savoye Sport"

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Ski rental at the arrival of Val Veny cablecar in Pré de Pascal. Activity of backing and ski rental for disabled persons. 



Following the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the project "Skiing for all skills", it turns out that:

The entrance consists of a hinged door that respects the dimensions and characteristics imposed internally there is a counter with sufficient height that allows you to interface with a person in a wheelchair. The rental also provides aids for skiing for the disabled, generally made to measure or to order. Inside the building there is a step of about 10 cm that does not compromise the rental business as a square in addition to the counter.

(+39) 0165869088

"Savoye Sport'' Ski rental

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Rental shop: alpine ski, snowboard, snowshoes, bobs and sledges, rental of equipement for skiing. Winter opening times: 8.15am- 6.30pm

Roller blades and skateboards, rental of equipement for skiing. Alpinism equipment rental shop. Rental of pushchairs.
Opening times in Summer: 9.00-12.30/15.00-19.00


Ski and e-bike rental "Ski In"

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Rental: alpine ski, snowblade, snowshoes, freeride, ski alp.
Sport goods sale, helmets, heated and monitored room with lockers. Skipass ticket’ sale. Repairing skis and snowboards. Info centre about ski resort.

In Summer e-bike rental.
Times: 9-12.30/16.00-19.30


Ski rental "Bonora"

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Cross-country ski rental, deposit and assistance. Snowshoes rental,  daily tickets sale.


Ski rental "Mont Blanc Ski Service"

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur

Ski and equipment rental, freeride, heliski, ski touring, snowshoes, rental of equipement for skiing. Sport goods sale. Ski maintenance service.


Ski rental "Ski In"- Plan Chécrouit

Rental Sport  -  Courmayeur


  • alpine ski
  • snowboard
  • snowblade
  • freeride
    Sport goods sale, helmets, heated and monitored room with lockers. Skipass ticket’ sale for some types of skipass, only.
    Repairing skis and snowboards. Info centre about ski resort.
