Sport: Nus

6 Results
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Reboulaz Bivouac

Bivouacs  -  Nus

Altitude: 2,585 m
Location: Lake Luseney
Sleeping places: 24
Open: always open
Difficulty: E
Trail sign: yes
Ascent: 3h30 from Praz, path n. 13
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: EAST 384631
Coordinates UTM-WGS84: NORTH 5080163

The bivouac, built in 1993, is dedicated to Luca Reboulaz (1961-1987), grown in Lignan, Saint Barthélemy. He was keen on mountains, cross-country skiing and ski touring. He became cross-country skiing instructor in 1983, graduated in Turin and worked for the Olivetti company in Ivrea. In July 1987, he died on Becca de Luseney.

From Nus, take the road to Saint Barthélemy, just before the houses, take the fork for Praz where you can leave your car. Carry on along the dirt road until you reach the end at the Praterier Alpine lodge. From here take the path leading to the Alp Crottes. Pass the fork following the trail on the left that with steep hairpin bends takes you to a new fork. Keep to the left here on the trail that, by crossing the stone path, will lead you to the bivouac.

Equipment: blankets, gas stove, heater, water in July and in August in the fountain nearby, external toilet.

Baby Snow Park "Fun Park"

Snow fun parks  -  Nus

The winter playground of Saint Barthélemy is located at the new Nordic ski centre, at the start of the slopes, in Praz de l’Arp at an altitude of 1,960 m (5 km from Lignan).

120m treadmill
Track for dinghies and bobsleds
Downhill slope for beginners
Games for children

Scheduled to open from 26/12/2023 to 07/01/2024

Then it will be open on weekends and on weekdays for groups, by reservation by calling 339.1499469.

(+39) 3391499469

Saint-Barthélemy Pistes

Cross-country skiing  -  Nus

The 30 km long Saint-Barthélemy Gran Tor run starts out in Praz de l’Arp and stretch out towards the top of the Saint-Barthélemy valley and from there round in a semi-circle to the 2014 metre altitude of the Ollière pasture. The trail is very varied and lots of fun, as it runs through fields, conifer woods and past numerous streams. Skiers can enjoy plenty of sun virtually all the way and it runs well away from roads and regularly inhabited villages, in a splendid natural environment.

Cross-country skiing centre (1960 m):

  • Praz de l’Arp km 3,5 - blue (easy)
  • Barbonce Km 5 - blue (easy)
  • Champcombre km 9 - blue (easy)
  • Bois de Pessey km 11 - red (medium)
  • La Nouva km 12 - red (medium)
  • Champlaisant km 13 - red (medium)
  • Lo Ratzo km 14,2 - red (medium)
  • Rifugio Magià  km 19 - red (medium)
  • Pierrey km 19,5 - red (medium)
  • Gran Tor km 30 - black (difficult)

The Saint-Barthélemy cross-country skiing centre offers the following services: parking, changing room, toilet, showers, ski and snowshoe rental with waxing service, bar and cafeteria,  bus parking place.

Consult  the snow report to find out which cross-country trails are open.


Powered flights - Aeroclub Corrado Gex

Air Sports  -  Nus

The Aero Club organizes various aeronautical activities:

  • popularization of mountain flying
  • baptisms of the air
  • propaganda flights
  • high mountain flying school with diplomas of various levels

The recreational flying school offers:
- training of pilots who want to obtain the certificate
- mountain flying diplomas with landings on sloping airfields with wheeled aircraft
- specialization course with landings on glaciers with an aircraft equipped with skis.


Dora Baltea no kill reserve

Sports fishing  -  Saint-Marcel

Fishing season: 

Dora Baltea segment that runs from the CVA dam (town of Saint-Marcel) to the carriage bridge that goes towars the envers hamlets of Chambave (towns of Chambave, Fénis, Nus, Saint-Marcel, Verrayes), where catch and release is mandatory. Only fly, angling and coarse fishing with barbless hooks are permitted.

Fishing is permitted: every day

Information on season dates, costs and permit issue locations: Consorzio Regionale Pesca.

(+39) 0165.40752