Services: Saint-Pierre
City police
Emergencies / Safety - Saint-PierreHoraire:
Lundi 9.00 - 12.30 sur résertavion
Mardi 9.00 - 12.30
Mercredi 9.00 - 13.30
Jeudi 9.00 - 12.30 solo sur réservation
Vendredi 9.00 - 12.30
Rental "Hotel Notre Maison"
Rental Sport - Saint-PierreWINTER: Snowshoes and bob.
SUMMER: e-MTB for adults
Parcheggio Castello di Sarriod de la Tour
Parcheggi - Saint-PierrePlaced along the orographic right bank, on the state road 26
Parcheggio Cimitero
Parcheggi - Saint-PierreIdeal to visit the Caslte of Saint Pierre - Natural History Museum
Parcheggio Loc. Vetan
Parcheggi - Saint-PierreStarting point of many routes towards the Fallère mountain, Becca France and many more.
Parcheggio Municipio
Parcheggi - Saint-PierreClose to the Town Hall and the Natural History Museum and th parish church. Disabled parking as well.
Parcheggio Parco Chevreyron
Parcheggi - Saint-PierreClose to shopss, amenities, banks, petrol station, newsagent's
Parcheggio Place des Italiens à l'Etranger
Parcheggi - Saint-PierreClose to the shop Cofruits and the Police. Places for disabled people and also campervan area,.
Conference room
Conference rooms - Saint-Pierre55 seats
projector, screen, sound amplification
equipped for disabled
Conference room by Hotel Notre Maison
Conference rooms - Saint-Pierre50 seats
vhs, dvd, computer - screen 180×180 cm,
sound amplification, overhead projector
Azienda Usl Valle D'Aosta - Presidio Distrettuale Saint-Pierre
Health - Saint-PierreLa Clinique Saint-Pierre propose des services médicaux d'urgence, de gynécologie, d'obstétrique, de pédiatrie, d'orthophonie, de physiothérapie, de soins, de psychologie, d'infirmerie (prises de sang, médicaments, etc.).
Chemist's Caprani Vittore SNC
Health - Saint-PierreOpening hours of the pharmacie
Find here the pharmacies on duty. (Search "distretto 1 Morgex" for Cogne)
Tourist Office - Cogne
Regional tourist offices - CogneOpen all year
The Cogne Tourist Office is the reference information point for the entire Gran Paradiso area. It is located in the central square of the village, opposite the Town Hall, with a spectacular view of the Sant’Orso Meadow and the Gran Paradiso chain. Not far there are large parkings and it is also accessible to prams and wheelchairs. As well as providing all the information and tools available for tourist enjoyment in the region, it offers the following services:
- Sale of tickets for castles and archeological sites
- Sale of tickets for Bard Fortress
- Sale and booking of tickets for Skyway Monte Bianco cablecar
- Sale of the Aosta Valley Card
- Sale of hiking maps of the Aosta Valley and gadgets with the tourist logo
- Sale of fishing licences in the Aosta Valley
- Booking of workshops and organised activities
Opening days and hours
From November to March
- 9.00-13.00/ 14.30-17.30
- 25/12 closed
From April to June
- 9.00-13.00/ 15.00-18.00
July and August
- 9.00-13.00 / 14.00-19.00
September and October
- 9.00-13.00/ 15.00-18.00