Services: Morgex
"Valdigne Immobiliare"Real estate agency
Estate agencies - MorgexCompravendita - affitto e
home staging
Morgex barefooting trail
Other sports - MorgexWalking barefoot is good for your health: it produces a pleasant plantar massage, strengthens the leg muscles and promotes blood circulation. Furthermore, contact with the ground and with the elements of nature induces healthy relaxation and is a very fun activity for children!
The barefooting path, located near the vast sports area of Morgex, has a length of about 600 meters and offers a sensory experience that mainly involves touch but also the other senses.
It is based on the barefoot exploration of the elements present in nature, stimulating the sensory capacities of people during the walk.
The experience varies according to the various materials that have been placed on the ground: stone, wood, grass, moss, mud, water and sand and other elements that differ according to the seasons such as flower petals, larch needles, pine cones.
The path is equipped with a series of interactive stations that amplify the sensory experience and allow you to refine not only touch, but also smell and hearing.
The type of track, the particular technical features and the preparation of some signs in the Braille alphabet mean that even blind or visually impaired people can have this experience and try the route.
Bank "Popolare di Novara"
Banks - MorgexATM machine
Opening hours for consulting service: 8.20am - 1.20pm / 2.30pm - 4.30pm from Monday to Thursday, Fridays closing time at 4pm
Cash open from 8.20am to 12.55pm
Unicredit Bank
Banks - MorgexBancomat
Open from Monday to Thursday from 8.20am to 12.45pm and from 2.30pm to 4.30 pm (without cash service in the afternoon). Fridays open from 8.20am to 1pm and from 2.30pm to 4pm.
Charging station for electric vehicles
Petrol stations - MorgexE-via! è la rete di colonnine per la ricarica dei veicoli elettrici. Sono 35 colonnine diffuse su tutto il territorio della Valle d'Aosta, 11 nella città di Aosta e 24 lungo l’asse viario centrale e le principali vallate, a cui si aggiungono anche le 2 colonnine installate dal Comune di Aosta nell’ambito del progetto “City Porto” che sono pienamente interoperabili con la rete E - via!, così come le colonnine del progetto “Strade Verdi”, già attive nella regione.
I punti di ricarica sono generalmente costituiti da una colonnina che consente la ricarica contemporanea di 2 autoveicoli elettrici.
•Utenti occasionali: sessione di ricarica di 1 ora, prolungabile, attivabile pagando € 2,50 con credito telefonico, inviando un SMS al numero 4882882 e indicando il numero di presa indicato sulla colonnina accanto a ciascuna presa di ricarica.
•Utenti registrati alla app D-Mobility: sessione di ricarica da 1 a 3 ore, attivabile pagando € 2,50 orari direttamente via app (senza alcun contratto).
Possibilità di attivare un prodotto Flat in abbonamento mensile o un prodotto Ricaricabile con credito pre-pagato. Per gli utenti registrati in App D-Mobility è possibile attivare anche una sessione di ricarica Pay Per Use direttamente in App (prezzi visibili nella info-window della App).
Per gli utenti occasionali è possibile attivare anche una sessione di ricarica pagando 6 €/ora (su infrastrutture Quick), 6 €/10 minuti (su infrastrutture Fast e Ultra Fast) oltre a 0.29 € di costo operatore con credito telefonico, inviando un SMS al numero 4882882 indicando il numero di presa che si trova indicato sulla colonnina vicino a ciascuna presa di ricarica.
Per maggiori info consultare il sito Duferco Mobility: la mobilità elettrica di Duferco Energia.
Hotspot Morgex free internet
Internet point - MorgexLa copertura dell’Hotspot di Morgex comprende l’area sportivo-ricreativa del paese.
In questa zona è possibile accedere ad internet senza fili, tramite tecnologia wi-fi.
La legge per questo tipo di collegamento a internet prevede la registrazione obbligatoria dell’utente, per cui è necessario dotarsi di credenziali di accesso.
Open-air market of Morgex - Thursday
Weekly markets - MorgexThe yearly market with assorted goods takes place at Cav. Vittorio Veneto square from 8am to 2pm
"Only Ski Morgex" Rental
Rental Sport - MorgexThe following equipment is rented in winter:
alpine skiing and snowboarding, snowshoes ski mountaineering also artva, shovel and probe, bobsleigh
In summer, rental of: mtb (also for children from 6 years), e-bike (also for children from 6 years), buggies, baby carriers
"Sport du Pilier" Rental
Rental Sport - MorgexCross-country ski equipment rental and snowshoes rental. Sale of sport equipments.
Parcheggio Piazza Cavalieri Vittorio Veneto
Parcheggi - MorgexBébé en marche- experienced path
Children playgrounds - MorgexThe experiential route is an itinerary equipped to entertain children thanks to the colorful installations along the path.
You will encounter sculptures with gnomes, mushrooms but also a resounding tree, a literary labyrinth and an original dartboard. The works were specially created by the artist Eliseo Lumignon.
Bébé en marche is an easy route, mostly flat, with some short stretches with a maximum gradient of 15% and a medium compact surface that can be traveled with any type of stroller.
There are 4 benches along the way. A public and accessible toilet is located at the entrance to the sports area.
This beautiful shaded walk that runs along the Dora Baltea begins near the Morgex sports area, where there is also the barefoot sensory path,
Leave your car in the large car park in the sports area, cross the bridge over the Dora river and then turn right, taking the dirt road marked by the "Bébé en marche" sign.
Alternatively, the walk can also start from Avenue du Mont Blanc 139 (near La Vachérie), where there is a public car park. In this case you have to cross the railway underpass and continue along the dirt road.
Length of the route: 2km
Journey time: 1 hour
Difference in height: 40 metres
Altitude: about 930 meters above sea level
Recommended period: from June to October - In summer it is advisable to walk it in the coolest hours of the day
Playground for children
Children playgrounds - MorgexThe playground is located in La Ruine a small hamlet at 3 km from Morgex.
Playground for children - Abbé Cerlogne Avenue
Children playgrounds - MorgexGreen walkable area, multi-play structures, slides, swings, spring toys, roundabouts, climbing frames, sand play area, benches, drinking fountain.
The Reading park of Morgex
Children playgrounds - MorgexThe Morgex Reading Park is a welcoming green area for visitors of all ages.
It is open all year round during the day with free access (possible closures in winter due to ice or snow).
- A playground with two areas dedicated to events and small shows
- A park for reading, on the comfortable benches along the river or in the middle of a flowery meadow, a book brought from home or found in the book-crossing areas of the Park and of the village of Morgex.
- A park to observe: from here you can admire Mont Blanc and the imposing chain of mountains that surround it, but also the Dora Baltea, which runs alongside the park. The careful selection of botanical species and the suggestive flower garden ensure a pleasant immersion in the greenery.
- A park for the memory: the paths of the Park follow the layout of the old tracks used for the goods yard and for the maneuvering of the wagons on the "Aosta - Pré-Saint-Didier" railway line, built in the late 1920s to favor the exploitation of the mines of Arpy and La Thuile. The historic Morgex station is still clearly visible from the park. The bridge, at the southern entrance to the Park and on which an original square on the water was built, once served as a link between the mining material processing factory (now the Mont Blanc mineral water plant) and the station itself. A new, fully accessible train welcomes visitors at the east entrance.
- An accessible park: all the paths are suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs. All game keywords are available in Braille.
Morgex Post office
Places - MorgexOpening times:
From Monday Friday 8.20am - 1.45pm
Saturday 8.20am - 12.45pm
Congress room "Municipal auditorium"
Conference rooms - MorgexAuditorium with 254 places. The place can be used for shows, too. Control room with technology equipments for audio, video and lighting. There is the possibility of having the simultaneous translation.
No meeting room.
Morgex clinic and guidance council
Health - MorgexNursing service, taking of blood, tests, treatments, intramuscular injections, pressure measurement, aerosol therapy, obstetrician, medical offer, welfare officer, psychologists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, health officer, specialist’s examination, legal consulent, radiology service, SAUB office, night medical guard, 112, ambulance.
Morgex Pharmacy
Health - MorgexTo know the opening times:
To know the pharmacies open during the night and the holy days :
Tourist Office
Other tourist offices - MorgexThe “Pro Loco di Morgex” tourist office is open to the public all year round.
Opening times: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays 9.30am - 12.30pm
Wednesdays CLOSED
Saturdays 9.30am - 12.30pm / 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Tourist Office - Courmayeur
Regional tourist offices - CourmayeurThe office is open all year round
The Tourist Office is located in Piazzale Monte Bianco, it’s a strategic place in order to give all information to people who arrive at Courmayeur.
The services are the following:
- Sale of tickets for castles and archeological sites
- Sale of tickets for Bard Fortress
- Sale and reservation for the funicular Skyway Monte Bianco
- Sale of the touristic card Aosta Valley Card
- Sale and renewal of Piemonte/Lombardia+Aosta Valley Museum Passes
- Sale of hiking maps of the Aosta Valley and gadgets with the tourist logo
- Reservation of workshops and organised activities
- Sale of fishing licences in the Aosta Valley
- Search for hotel availability in all areas of the Aosta Valley
- Support in organizing meetings, conferences and events with the Convention Bureau
Following the mapping carried out in 2023 as part of the project "Skiing for all abilities" was as follows:
- Close to the entrance door there is a ramp in almond-shaped, in order to overcome the difference in height between the inside of the floor and the outside.
- The horizontal paths and the operating spaces shall comply with the requirements.
- On the second door used as entrance/ exit, no ramp is installed, so the difference in level remains without fittings.
Opening days and hours
From September to June
- 9.00-13.00/ 14.30-18.00
- 25th December: closed
- From 26th December to 7th January: 9.00-13.00/14.00-19.00
July and August
- 9.0013.00/14.00-19.00