Pleasant showcases of the regional geomorphology
If you are passionate about geology, you will be able to learn about the characteristic evolutionary aspects of Aosta Valley geology, not only in the museums of the region or in the mines open to the public, but also in the rock gardens set up in Pollein (to the East of Aosta), in Lillaz, a village in municipality of Cogne, and in Fontainemore (in the lower Lys valley).
The Aosta Valley rock gardens accompany you with simplicity and rigour along lithological arrangements belonging to the Alpine mineralogy, working on the scientific curiosity, enriched by ludic moments or pleasant aesthetic contrasts of shapes and dimensions.
The nature exhibition itineraries, designed largely with inorganic materials, require particular precautions to evoke interest and positive suggestions in visitors while plants and flowers, an integral part of the territory and scenarios, act as pleasant "corollaries".