The Auditorium is located inside the school complex IPR - Liceo, near the parish Church and it is recognizable for the covering in mirror glasses.

It’s a little jewel: in its reduced dimensions it contains a very cozy and comfortable environment, coated with red moquette and velvet and which is endowed with state-of-the-art technologies.

Inaugurated in 1990, since 1994 it has been the site of the projections of Voglia di Cinema.

The screen, that may be rolled up in order to permit the realization of congresses and theater shows, measures 8 meters by 4,5 meters of height.

The sound systems are the best: Dolby Digital EX to always offer a digital quality sound.

The projection booth, well visible from the cinema hall thanks to a wide panel, has at disposal two projectors of 35 mm endowed with automation and and a 2K digital projection system.

BARCO - DOLBY DSS200 for the projection of DCP films and digital content.

The Auditorium ensures a perfect projection with 144 comfortable armchairs.

No open air projection.

There is a service bar indoor.