Description of the route

Technical difficulty: medium/difficult
Physical difficulty: medium
Bike-friendly: 100%
Type of Route: dirt road, path

You can reach Zerotta in Val Veny by car, coach and also by bike following directions for Val Veny from Courmayeur.

From the Zerotta hamlet, follow the asphalt road towards Courmayeur for around half a kilometre. On reaching the sign for Purtud cross the bridge on the left and follow the farm track until you reach a crossroads and then turn left (yellow road signs no. 7). After having crossed the stream (yellow road signs), following the path that goes beyond the Peuterey wood and passing from Freney, you reach the main road at the bottom of the valley.
You go uphill on the right for around 800 metres on asphalt until the first sharp bend towards the right where you then turn left in order to reach the dirt road that stretches from Les Zergnes to reach the restaurant La Fodze. Forty metres before the restaurant, turn left onto the large path that descends across the steep field until the village, after which you veer to the right. The descent is beautiful and fast but take care, after around 500 metres there is a crossroads. You have to turn to the right and follow the short path that ends at a small neighbourhood; after having followed the wall surrounding the house at the top of the ascent, follow the small but beautiful ledge that takes you back onto asphalt. From this point you can reach la Zerotta or Comayeur by following the municipal road of Val Vény.