Description of the route

From the *Vittorio Sella mountain hut, start going down the deep valley, first along the left bank of the torrent, then crossing over it and going along the right bank until you reach the Thoules pasture.
The route continues through the woods, crosses the torrent again and descends gently round wide bends until it comes out of the woods near the Paradisia botanic garden.
From here, cross the field and go down a brief tarmac ramp; cross the large wooden traffic bridge over the torrent until you reach Valnontey.
From here, follow a brief stretch of tarmac road towards Cogne and then take the path that passes upstream of the municipal road of Cogne.
Once you come to the first houses of Cogne, come off the trail and go down towards a car park, and from there continue along the tarmac road that runs alongside the beautiful Sant’Orso meadow and takes you to the square in the centre of Cogne.