Description of the route

The path continues sliding by touching the village of Moline, it crosses the Giassit torrent and continues alongside it to Revers. Once you come to the dirt-track road, go along it until the first bend, where a path starts out and climbs up to Col Giassit, touching upon Pian da Rouza, Larpit and Le Stret.
Once you have walked right round the Giassit basin you will come to the pass of the same name, where you can see a huge wooden cross erected by the valley-dwellers in 1954.
From here the route continues slightly upwards around the Béchéra basin to the Col della Lace and continues leftwards around Mont Roux on the Biella side, up and down through little deep valleys and touching the peak of Mont Bechit (2320 m) on to Col Carisey.
From here, proceed along the grassy crest until you reach the Coda mountain hut.