Description of the route

From Rhêmes-Notre-Dame, cross the bridge over the Dora di Rhêmes torrent, go past the visitors’ centre of the Gran Paradiso National Park and take the path that goes up to the Pré du Bois pasture.
After the pasture the itinerary moves into thick conifer woodland, climbs up and comes out of the woods near a wooden cross, before entering the long plateau with the Entrelor pasture.
The route runs along the plateau before climbing up again to the Plan de Feye pasture, where it continues across the fields and then detritus until you reach Col Entrelor.
From the col, the path goes down diagonally, with a few bends and crosses the pasturelands alongside a few alpine lakes until it meets the Djouan pasture, just after which lies the hunting lodge of Vittorio Emanuele II, currently used as a park rangers’ hut.
From here you will come to the first stretches of larch wood, and a grassy ledge leads to the last pasture, after which, continuing along a gentle slope down through the woods, you come out onto the fields up from Eaux-Rousses.