Description of the route

The itinerary starts out from the houses of Niel and runs along a fine mule-track.
After a short, steep stretch, it touches on a series of pastures until it reaches the grassy plain of the Stòvela pasture.
Here the route becomes steeper until it reaches the basin of the little lake of Grekij, where it flattens out.
The path goes past the lake on the right until you reach a pyramid-shaped trail marker.
If you wish to break the stage up into two parts, you can go up to the Mologna Grande col, from which a brief descent into Piemonte will take you to the Rivetti mountain hut.
Otherwise, continue on the left until you come to Col Lazouney, where you will enter a large plateau situated at the head of the deep Loo valley, surrounded by mountain peaks.
From here, gentle rises alternate with grassy flat stretches on down to the seventeenth-century chapel of the splendid village of Ober Lòò.
After you cross the Lòòbach torrent, the route continues on to the Onder Lòò pasture and then across a wooden bridge.
From here, a steep descent begins that leads quickly down to the bottom of the valley, into the typical Walser village of Lommatto.
The itinerary then continues towards the hamlet of Steina down below, and after a brief stretch along the regional road, the route goes onto a dirt road that runs alongside the Lys torrent until the area where the Weissmatten ski slopes begin.
A varied route through fields, patches of woodland, stretches of mule-track and dirt road then touches on the entrance to Castel Savoia before moving onto the convenient “Passeggiata della Regina” trail, which leads to the square in Gressoney-Saint-Jean.