Patron Saint Festival of the chief town: "Notre Dame d'Août"
Resorts: Morgex
Mercoledì 14 agosto
ore 8.30 Inizio tradizionale giro della Badoche per le vie del paese
ore 14.30 Gara di palet al campo sportivo
ore 17.30 Concerto per il patrono di Morgex dell'orchestra "Les Violons du Mont Blanc" presso la Chiesa Parrocchiale
ore 19.00 Apertura buvette presso il padiglione e inizio cena di pesce
ore 22.00 Disco Party con Dj Fosforo (ingresso libero)
Giovedì 15 agosto
ore 10.30 Santa Messa
ore 11.30 Balli di piazza con la Badoche
ore 12.15 Aperitivo offerto dall'organizzazione
ore 17.00 Apertura buvette presso il padiglione
ore 18.00 Tradizionali balli con la Badoche e cerimonia di consegna dei nastri dei nuovi nati
ore 19.30 Cena (polenta, spezzatino e salsiccetta fino ad esaurimento)
ore 21.30 Serata danzante con "I ragazzi del villaggio" (ingresso libero)
During the saint’s feast day a special exhibition is held in the Valdigne municipalities: the “Badoche” whose origins may date back to initiation celebrations typical of the early ethnic tribes, including the Celts.
The protagonists of the rite are a group of unmarried young men and women, dressed in traditional costumes. The first “badocher”, who leads the group, carries a plate decorated with flowers and ribbons, with a sweet or apple in the centre used to collect offerings, while another “badocher” carries the traditional halberd, a stick crowned with flowers and decorated with multicoloured ribbons, a symbol of power.
During the eve of the patron saint feast, the badoche brings merriment and accordion music into all of the town’s houses heralding the feast and collecting money, which was once used for the organisation itself, but is now donated to various associations in need of aid.
The traditional “balli di piazza” are held on the patron saint feast day where the badoche invites the population to dance according to a precise sequence. The patron saint feasts are completed with the set up of a temporary restaurant which proposes traditional Valle d’Aosta dishes and a pavilion for dancing.
- Patron saint of the village
- suitable for young and old
- popular tradition
- joy and music